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"Aaron! Go get the door. Who's visiting this early." Emily yawned as the bell waked her up. Aaron was hugging her, and she didn't want to leave the nest that made her feel so safe.

"It's 10 am, Em," Aaron told Emily when he saw the clock on the counter beside the bed.

"10 am?! Gosh, I was so tired."

"Yeah, who's fault was that?"

"Don't tell me you're complaining that we went for round 4."

"No, I'm not. So now get up."

"Noooo...I want to sleep in. Can you just tell whoever it is that I'm not home?"

"It's most probably one of the team, and it's better if you go get the door because they will think they went to the wrong house."

"Ugh. I hate that you are right. Give me a minute."

"I think you need to tell that to your visitor."


Emily naughtily pulled Aaron off the bed, and both of them got dressed. Hotch went to the bathroom while Emily walked to the door and opened it.


"Hi, Emily. Can I come in?"


"I'm sorry Emily, for coming without informing you first... oh, hi Hotch!" Reid greeted Hotch who was walking into the living room.

"Oh, hi, Reid."

"Wait. What is Hotch doing in your apartment? But, it's so good to see you Hotch." Reid smiled at Hotch.

"Come here, have a seat." Emily directed Reid to the couch.

"So, what are you doing here?" Hotch asked.

"Um. I told Barnes off when she said she is going into the field with us. I told her that she is wrong. That you are not a poor leader, instead you defined what a Unit Chief should be. No offense Hotch..."

"None was taken, Reid. I'm sure Emily did a better job than me." Hotch told Reid.

"I'm not going to stand there and let her destroy your career like this, Emily." Reid finished his speech.

"Spencer, oh my god. Why?" Emily panicked.

"I had to, Emily. I had to stand up for you."

"Spencer..." Emily started to speak while Reid cut in.

"Emily. I wasn't gonna help her dismantle the team. You know that's her goal, and I wasn't gonna let her."

"Thank you so much for standing up for me. I know your intention, but Spence... what you did was reckless. You're making her job easier by creating reasons for her to fire you. 2 down, 3 to go."

"What? No! Barnes cannot just randomly fire us." Reid asked.

"Yes, she can, Spence. She is Assistant Director of the FBI for godsake!"

"So what? We fight her, just like we fought Strauss...Wait, why is Hotch here? You both look like you both just woke up."

"Uh... Strauss is just the Section Chief, but Barnes is Assistant Director. It's not easy, Spence. Anyways, Hotch stays here." Emily replied.

"What? Isn't this your house?" Reid's confused.

"Technically, this is our house. Me and Aaron have been together for more than 3 years ago after he broke off with Beth."

"Wait... So Beth didn't leave for her job?" Reid questioned.

"She did. My heart wasn't with Beth, and it's unfair for her. And when I knew she got a job offer in Hong Kong, I took the opportunity to break it off." Hotch explained to Reid, and Reid nodded to indicate he understands.

"Okay. So what's the plan now with Barnes, Emily?" Reid went back to the topic at hand.

"Spence...There's no plan. Okay, look. Barnes wants somebody to take the fall for what happened when the BAU is in my leadership. I'm willing to."

"I don't understand. What happens when the BAU is in your leadership?"

"You know, Agent Walker's death..."

"Agent Walker's death was Scratch!"

"Yes, Spence. But it was mine and Walker's plan to lure Scratch out that got him killed."

"I know. But Scratch killed Walker by driving his truck into both SUVs, not you."

"It was my decision to lure out Scratch that led the team driving into an ambush."

"No, Emily, you have to..."

"Look, Spencer. We can sit here and argue all day. Don't try to change my mind. It won't do any of us any good. You're in good hands with JJ. Please, go back to the BAU."

"Wait. Are you really leaving?"

"Spencer..." Just then, the doorbell rings, interrupting what Emily wanted to say.

"Are you expecting anyone else?" Aaron asked.

"No, I'm not."

"Why don't you go check, Aaron?"

"Okay." Hotch got up from the couch and went to get the door. He gasped when he peeked through the peephole.

"WHAT THE... EM, COME HERE!" Aaron shouted.

BAU vs Linda BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now