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"JJ just texted that they'd solved the case, and they are on their way back," Reid told both Hotch and Emily.

"Great. Ohh, Rossi just texted saying that JJ did something to Barnes and that it's something I would want to know." Emily said after checking her phone.

"Then let's go!" Reid said.

"Go where?" Emily asked.

"To the BAU."

"Spencer, have you forgotten that..." Emily raised her eyebrows in question. Reid cuts in before she can finish her sentence.

"That you are suspended? No offense Emily but I have an eidetic memory. Well, what I'm saying is that you can be my visitor."

"That's a genius idea. Pun not intended." Hotch said.

"You want to come along too, Hotch?" Reid asked.

"No, thank you. I'm out of it a long time ago. I will be here if you need any help."

"Alright. So, come on, visitor. I can fetch you there."

"Okay. See you later, Aaron." Emily went to hug and gave Aaron a brief kiss on the lips.

Emily sat in the BAU's SUV, driven by Reid.

"Ahh... I never thought I would be sitting in an FBI issued SUV anytime soon." Emily told Reid.

"Emily. Do you think we will let you go that easy? Especially not me. I miss having a big sister around," Reid smiled at Emily.

"Aww, Spencer. I'm always one phone call away. Well, finally, we are able to be alone. I have wanted to ask you this... not as your Unit Chief, but as your friend."

"Ask away, Emily."

"Do you have anyone in your love life? After Meave?"

"What? Umm... No... No. I don't. I prefer to be single, you know. Save me so much trouble. Save me from heartbreaks too." Reid answered nervously.

"Right. Let me rephrase my question. Do you have anyone your heart longs for?"

"Can I choose not to answer your question? And... we are here, Emily. Let's go meet the team." Reid said as he pulled the SUV into the parking space allocated.

"Nice save." Emily patted Reid's shoulder as they walked through the doors of the BAU.

"Hello, my lovelies...Wait. You. You're suspended. How did you get... Did you sneak in? Did you do a secret ninja-type move? Tell me. Tell me. I have to know." Garcia saw them walking in and blurted out a string of questions.

"Haha, Garcia, no...I'm Reid's visitor." Emily smiled and replied.

"Oh... Oh, welcome to the BAU, Visitor."

"Thanks. It's a great place you've got here, agents." Emily winked at both of them.

Just then, the team entered and saw them. Rossi was halfway talking about inviting them to his house for drinks.

"Hey... Did I hear something about drinks?" Garcia asked.

"Yes. And..." Rossi stopped talking after he saw Barnes strode in.

"Very well. Hello, Agent Prentiss. Agent Reid, I'm happy to see you. Agent Jareau, I didn't get the opportunity to tell you how much I enjoyed your speech on the jet. FYI, the director watched the airport video, and he felt that what I did was absolutely right. It was your team that neglected to know as an experienced agent, I would not go in the field without a vest. Thus, it is Agent Rossi's mistake for killing the Unsub." Barnes smirked with confidence.

"Hold on. We just landed, and you already met with him?" JJ asked.

"Agent Jareau... looks like there's still a lot you haven't learned. I've known the director for a long time. He answers my calls." Barned snarkily commented.

"But...I haven't even file my report." JJ rebutted.

"Well, too bad. The director also agreed that events should have unfolded quicker, and the suspect died because of your team's mistakes, Agent Jareau. Now, we just need to ensure that mistakes today never happen again."

"Mistakes we made?" JJ asked.

Barnes ignored JJ and went on saying, "Garcia, your loyalty to the team is appreciated, but it feels like your skills will be best utilized in cybercrimes."

"Cybercrimes? No, I belong here to the BAU..." Garcia started talking when Barnes stopped her.

"Garcia, I haven't finished yet. And don't any of you dare to interrupt me anymore. That being said, Agent Reid, with your PHDs, it's such a waste for you to be in the Bureau so that you will be a full-time professor with our exchange program. Agent Rossi, the FBI deeply appreciates your service, and the director wishes you nothing but the best in your retirement. Any question?"

"I'm fired, aren't I?" JJ asked.

"No, you're not. Congratulations, Agent Jareau. You're the new conditional Unit Chief of the BAU. Meet your new team," Barnes said as she passed JJ a few files.

"But...There's no such thing as a conditional Unit Chief." JJ said.

"Yes. You're right, Agent Jareau. There wasn't. With the director's approval, I was able to create a new position just for you. Oh... I won't be going into the field with you anymore, but you will run every decision past me, big and small, before you act. Any further questions?"

Everyone was like deer caught in the headlights. No one says anything.

"No? Okay, then. Good night. Enjoy your drinks." Barnes said and then walked away.

"No...This can't be the end. Can it?" Garcia asked the question that no one can answer.

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