Season 3 Episode 5 - Brotherly Love

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Walter arrived at Ink & Needles.
Hale questioned Roxy and Roxy showed loyalty to her family and the club.
Bobby made Juice feel at ease.

The roar of motorcycles echo through Charming as The Sons of Anarchy Club members return from their run to Nevada and Mason who walks out of Walter's office stares at Juice and Juice glares at Mason as does the rest of the club as they make their ...

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The roar of motorcycles echo through Charming as The Sons of Anarchy Club members return from their run to Nevada and Mason who walks out of Walter's office stares at Juice and Juice glares at Mason as does the rest of the club as they make their way towards T-M.

Roxy walks into Ink & Needles and Simon walks up to her and says "Hey Rox" Roxy smiles at her friend and employee "Heya Si, did you handle everything yesterday?" Simon nods and says "Yeah, I held the fort but this guy came by and dropped this off"...

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Roxy walks into Ink & Needles and Simon walks up to her and says "Hey Rox" Roxy smiles at her friend and employee "Heya Si, did you handle everything yesterday?" Simon nods and says "Yeah, I held the fort but this guy came by and dropped this off" and Simon holds out the large brown envelope for Roxy and Roxy asks "What guy?" Simon says "He said his name was Walter, Mason's Uncle" and Roxy opens the envelope and quickly reads the letter and she slams her hand down on the counter and says "Shit!" Simon asks "Whats going on?" Roxy angrily says "The Bastard's taking me to court!".

Roxy walks into Ink & Needles and Simon walks up to her and says "Hey Rox" Roxy smiles at her friend and employee "Heya Si, did you handle everything yesterday?" Simon nods and says "Yeah, I held the fort but this guy came by and dropped this off"...

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Clay and Jax and Gemma are inside the office at Teller - Morrow and Gemma asks "Hows Jury?" Clay says "He wasn't too thrilled at the patch over but it had to happen" and Gemma nods. Jax leans against the wall and looks through the glass window when he says "Roxy's here" and Clay smiles and Roxy marches towards the office with the envelope in her hands and Jax continues "She's heading this way and she doesn't look too happy" and Gemma stands up. Roxy barges into the office and says as she slams the letter down on the desk and says "The price is taking me to family court! He's tryna take my baby from me!" Clay asks in shock "What?!" Jax says "He can't do that!" Roxy says as she places her hands on her hips "Well clearly he can! His Uncle - Walter turned up at Ink & Needles yesterday and left that letter" and Clay and Gemma look at each other and Gemma approaches Roxy and says "Listen to me Darlin, nobody is gonna take Nathan from this family not even his snakey Uncle" and Roxy sniffles.

Nathan is outside at his school yard playing with a group of his friends when Mason approaches the school gate and stares at Nathan from afar and after a moment Mason says "Nathan!" Nathan looks to Mason and cautiously looks to Mason and Mason sig...

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Nathan is outside at his school yard playing with a group of his friends when Mason approaches the school gate and stares at Nathan from afar and after a moment Mason says "Nathan!" Nathan looks to Mason and cautiously looks to Mason and Mason signals Nathan to go to him with his hand and says "C'mere". Nathan walks away from his friends and approaches the gate and Mason and Mason smiles at Nathan and Nathan says "My Mom says I'm not to talk to strangers" Mason smirks at Nathan and says "I'm not a stranger Nathan" and Nathan asks "How do you know my name? Are you one of My Mom's friends? I saw you at my grampa's clubhouse, Uncle Jax hit you" and Mason says "Yeah you're Uncle Jax and me have never got along, the thing is Nathan is I'm not just one of your Mom's friends..I'm your Father" and Nathan steps away from the gate and runs away and Mason hits the gate in temper and calls out "Nathan!".

Roxy is sitting outside the clubhouse smoking a cigarette when Jax approaches her and sits beside her and lights up a cigarette and asks "How ya doing Sis?" Roxy shrugs her shoulders and says "My Ex is tryna take my kid from me, how'd you think I ...

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Roxy is sitting outside the clubhouse smoking a cigarette when Jax approaches her and sits beside her and lights up a cigarette and asks "How ya doing Sis?" Roxy shrugs her shoulders and says "My Ex is tryna take my kid from me, how'd you think I am Jax?" Jax nods and says "Yeah you're right, stupid question" and Roxy shakes her head as she puffs at her cigarette and she says "I've done everything for Nathan, I raised him with no man sure I've had help from our family and the club but I'm his only parent...I can't lose him Jax". Jax says "Hey, you're not gonna lose Nate sis. Clay and me were talking and we were thinking of handling Mason and Walter" Roxy looks to Jax and asks "By handling them you mean?" Jax nods and says "We kill them, that means you have no worries" Roxy shakes her head and says "After everything that Bastard has put me through, cheating on me, beating me and years later trying to take my Kid from me I should be wishing him dead and giving you and My Dad the approval nod but weak as this may sound he was my first love and I dont want his death on my conscience" and Jax nods and says "Understandable but we can slap him around a little?" Roxy smirks and says "That I'll allow" and Jax and Roxy chuckle.

 Clay and me were talking and we were thinking of handling Mason and Walter" Roxy looks to Jax and asks "By handling them you mean?" Jax nods and says "We kill them, that means you have no worries" Roxy shakes her head and says "After everything t...

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Clay walks into Teller Morrow Office to see Gemma staring in a trance and Clay walks in and closes the door after him. Gemma looks to Clay and asks "How is she?" Clay says as he peers through the window "She's alright, Jax is with her she's laughing away" and Gemma smirks and says "If anybody can calm her down, its Jax" Clay says "Brotherly love huh?" Gemma nods and says "They've always been close" and after a moment Gemma says "What are we gonna do about Mason and this Uncle?" Clay looks back to Gemma and says "If Mason and his shark of a Uncle really think that they can take Nathan away from Roxy and from us and they be unharmed and win they don't know us well and have got us all wrong...I'm gonna kill them slowly when the times right nobody hurts our Family" and Gemma asks "Do we tell Roxy?" Clay looks back to his Wife and says "The less she knows the better" and Gemma furrows her eyebrows together and says "She would never rat!" Clay says "I know our Daughter, all too well she would rather kill herself than rat on us we raised her that way but let's face facts a part of her still loves Mason and maybe always will I'm thinking of sparing any kind of heartache" and Gemma nods.

Nathan confronts Roxy.
Roxy consoles Juice.
Bobby advises Roxy.
Jax and Clay beat Mason.

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