Season 3 Episode 1 - Patched In

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It was a early morning at Teller Morrow when Roxy is hard at work in the office as she is filing out paperwork

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It was a early morning at Teller Morrow when Roxy is hard at work in the office as she is filing out paperwork. When Juice walks in from the garage entering the office and Roxy looks up and grins and says "Hey Baby, got a repo for you and Kip" as she holds up a piece of paper and Juice smirks and asks "Another one?" Roxy replies "Well you do work in a garage" and Juice laughs at his old lady's feistiness and says "Well obviously" and they both chuckle. Juice says "I'll be home late tonight Babe" Roxy looks up at Juice and Juice continues "We got a meeting with McKeavy tonight" and Roxy nods and says "Well be careful, you know how I worry" and Juice smirks and walks around the desk and kisses Roxy's lips and he presses his forehead against Roxy's forehead and he says "Don't worry Beautiful, I'll be straight home. Half Sack will be with you and the kids tonight anyway" Roxy looks to Juice with irritation and Juice says "Don't blame me, it was Clay's idea" and Roxy says "I'll allow that then" and Juice kisses her forehead and walks out of the office and enters the garage.

Juice and Opie are in the garage tending to a motorcycle and Roxy walks into the garage and Roxy glances to Clay who is reading a sports magazine and Roxy glances to Clay and says "Dad?" Clay glances up to Roxy and smiles and focuses all of his at...

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Juice and Opie are in the garage tending to a motorcycle and Roxy walks into the garage and Roxy glances to Clay who is reading a sports magazine and Roxy glances to Clay and says "Dad?" Clay glances up to Roxy and smiles and focuses all of his attention on his only Daughter "Hey Babygirl, you alright?" Roxy nods and says "Yeah I'm alright, I just finished my shift" Clay nods and Roxy asks "Dad, I got a favour to ask ya" Clay furrows his eyebrows together in confusion and says "Whats on your mind?" Roxy says "Well I was just wondering that if you could let Opie off tonight...its just Opie's marriage is in pieces, I think Opie and Donna need time alone so I was wondering if you could let Opie away tonight and instead of Opie being at the meet he could be having dinner with his old lady, I'm looking after Kenny and Ellie for them tonight" Clay smirks and says "You got it all planned out ain't ya?" Roxy smirks and Clay chuckles and says "Just like your Mom..alright you don't have to give me the puppy dog eyes, I'll let Ope off but I want him back tomorrow" and Roxy smirks and says "Of course Daddy thank you" and Clay nods and Roxy kisses Clay's cheek.

Later that night Roxy is in her house that she shares with Juice that Clay and Gemma bought her and she is sitting at the dining table smoking a cigarette when Half Sack walks in and he asks "You alright?" Roxy nods as she exhales the cigarette sm...

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Later that night Roxy is in her house that she shares with Juice that Clay and Gemma bought her and she is sitting at the dining table smoking a cigarette when Half Sack walks in and he asks "You alright?" Roxy nods as she exhales the cigarette smoke and says "I'm always alright Sack" Half Sack says "I just checked on the twins for you, they're fast asleep and Nathan is watching a movie" and Roxy smirks and says "Lemme guess, he's watching The Hulk?" Half Sack nods and chuckles and says "You got it in one". Half Sack asks "Rox can I ask you something, you know a lot about the bikers and the MC world, do you think I can make it, like get patched in and be a Son?" Roxy tilts her head to the side as she passes Half Sack her half smoked cigarette and says as Half Sack puts the cigarette to his lips and begins smoking "Y'know I've been raised by the MC, This world, The MC world its all I know, to be honest I wouldn't know what I'd do without it. I'm my life I've seen Sons come and go, some have left to another charter others died others didn't get patched in but you? I think you're gonna get patched're strong, smart and you will do whatever it takes and that makes a good Son" Roxy reaches across the table and grasps hold of Half Sack's hand and rubs his hand and tightly squeezes his hand and says "Don't worry, in a coupla months you will be a Son definitely" and Half Sack longingly looks at Roxy and there's a child's cry and Roxy groans "That sounds like Colson" and Roxy stands up and walks out of the living room.

Later that night Juice parks his Harley Davidson at his driveway behind Roxy's Black SUV

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Later that night Juice parks his Harley Davidson at his driveway behind Roxy's Black SUV. Juice gets off his motorcycle and he takes off his leather gloves and walks towards his house and he opens the front door and walks inside to see nobody downstairs and Juice looks around in confusion and he walks upstairs to see Half Sack staring at a bedroom door so Juice walks further up the stairs and looks towards the direction Half Sack is staring at and sees Roxy getting dressed and Juice's eyes flash in anger and he lightly shoves Half Sack and Half Sack turns around his eyes filled with shock. Half Sack awkwardly looks to Juice and says "I be-better go since you're back" and Juixe glares at the prospect and says "Yeah, I think you'd better" and Half Sack rushes downstairs as Juice walks into his bedroom that he shares with Roxy and Roxy smiles as she looks towards Juice and says "Oh, you're back?" Juice smirks and says "Yeah, I missed your face" and Juice makes his way towards Roxy and he wraps his arms around the small of her back and kisses her and he smirks as he throws her over his shoulder and she squeals as he puts her down on their King sized bed and he lustfully looks down at her and begins to get undressed and he climbs on top of the bed.

Juice tells Roxy what he witnessed the previous night.
The Sons go on a run.
Roxy is there for Half Sack

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