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Erik and you walked into the pentagon as you both wear something to cover your identity

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Erik and you walked into the pentagon as you both wear something to cover your identity.

Erik grabbed to metal balls from his pocket and used his powers to float them around his hand. You had the blue energy around your hands in front of you as you both walked to hall.

Erin used the two metal balls to knock out the two guards on each side of the door. They circle around the guy at the desk as Erik walked pasted him. The guy was about to grab the phone next his him to get help, but you used you magic to stop him and his hand flew towards his face hitting himself hard enough to knock him out as you continued to follow behind Erik as the door opened.

And their in the middle of the glass was his helmet. He used his powers as the helmet float towards him as the glass broke.


You and Erik landed in the middle of the baseball field as you watched a guy put lines around the field.

"Can i help you two?" He questioned.

"No, you can't." Erik told the guy.

Erik and you used your powers to lift the stadium and flew back into to air again.

You and Erik moved to stadium were they were showing of the Machine they made.

Erik made the machine fire around in front the White House. The mechines were now under us as we put the stadium down around the White House.

You both floated down as the mechines were around the stadium and one behind us.

You and Erik look to your left to see Logan and Hank.

"Do what you were made for." Erik told the Machine and I went after them.

Erik used his powers to find were they were hiding.

"Where are you?" You heard Erik said quickly.

You saw Logan walked towards you both as you used your magic to throw at him, but he seemed to Dodge them.

You just finally grabbed some cement and throw it at him, Erik used the metal to tie him down.

"So much for being a survivor." You said as you used your magic to throw at Latin and he went flying back.

Erik then went back to finding trask again. The metal box came out of the White House and in front of me and Erik.

You used your magic to rip the door off and Erik rip the front off metal off and move the gun in front of him pointing towards them all. As you had a ball of energy ready in your hands.

Erik turned all the cameras towards us.

"You built these weapons to destroy us. Why? Because you are afraid of our gifts? Because we are different. Humanity has always feared that which is different. Well, I'm here to tell you, to tell the world... you're right to fear us. We are the future. We are the ones who will inherit this earth. And anyone who stands in our way will suffer the same fate as these men you see before you." Erik told the cameras.

"Today was meant to be a display of your power. Instead, I give you a glimpse of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world. And to my mutant brothers and sisters out there, I say this: no more hiding. No more suffering. You have lived in the shadows and shame and fear for too long. Come out. Join me. Fight together in a brotherhood of our kind. A new tomorrow... that starts today." Erik continued to say.

"Mr. President"

"Stand down. I said stand down."

Erik and I looked behind us.

"You want to make a statement? Kill me. Fine. But spare everyone else." The president said to us.

"Very heroic, mr. president, but you had no intention of sparing any of us." Erik said.

"The future of our species begins now." Erik said as he ready the guns and your were ready to throw your magic at them.

One of the machines tried to make it way towards us. But Erik took it apart before it could attack us.

They President shot Erik in the neck as he fell down and the president turned to mystique.

You quickly stopped your magic and went to Erik side as the Machine and guns dropped.

"You used to be a better shot." Erik to her.

"Trust me, I still am." Raven said as she kicked us as she turned towards the people in the underground hiding.

Raven then took off Erik helmet.

"He's all your, Charles." Raven said as she walked away.

Erik get up and move the rubble the was above Charles. As you stood up and looked at Charles and Hank.

"If you let them have us, we're as good as dead. You know that." Erik told Charles.

"I know." Charles replied.

"Good-bye, old friend."Erik told Charles.

"Goodbye, Erik. Y/n." Charles told us.

As you and Erik used your powers to float off somewhere.

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