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               The guards ushered my family to a horse drawn carriage down the 30 steps to the courtyard. I climbed into the middle of it with the help of my father, who was already in, and sat down, my legs criss cross applesauce.

" Aithne, please sit politely" my mother said, I reluctantly sat "like a lady" and eagerly looked out the window even though, due to the veil, I couldn't really see a thing. My mother sat to the left of me while my father sat at my right, as the carriage began to move my mother and father both looked out their windows and waved, while I sat and pondered what I should do. During my thinking my eyes drifted to the roof where it looked like a sun window hatch was, I excitedly jumped up and opened it, stood up and began to wave eagerly to everyone. I heard gasps from inside and outside of the carriage, but I still greeted everyone. My father grabbed my leg and yanked me down while simultaneously closing the hatch.

" WHAT do you think you're doing?" He whispered, scolded.

" I-I thought we were doing this so I could meet our people, I wanted to greet them like you and mom." I answered " And you were using your windows and I saw the one at the roof and... I... thought-"

" ENOUGH" my dad whispered yelled. " do not do that again. Just, just wave out your mothers window". I sighed and looked out her window while she continued waving. I wish I could've seen the town.

When we got back to the castle I was quickly brought to my room and told that my parents wished for me to stay here for the rest of the night, and that the maids would bring my supper in an hour, this happened every time I did something to upset my parents. I sat down on my bed and took of the purple veil and threw the stupid thing across the room. I wish I didn't have to wear it, I could barely see with it on and it gets so hot under it. I groaned as I stomped to my balcony door/window, like a child, kicking off my flats in the process. I shoved open the doors as a gust of wind blew my hair back, I inhaled the earthy smell, and smiled, I always wanted to explore the world but my mother always shot it down, saying I was too fragile or weak, which the weak part is right but I'm not fragile. I clambered onto the cool of the railing and stood with my arms stretched out to get more of the wind, I felt like a fairy with my dress, hair, and the curtains flowing behind me. I opened my eyes so I could get down without falling and glimpse some people below me. For a second I thought it was the guards on their nightshift, but as I look closer they aren't wearing armor and they have what looks like rope. I quickly widen my eyes as they look up, and I dash to my door to shut and lock it. I quickly grab my veil and shove it onto my messy hair as I hear something metal scraping against the cool stone on my balcony. What was going on, who are these people, do I need to call for help, can I take them. I'm gonna call for help. I messily think as my heart races, I'm just about to bang on the door as a hand grabs my wrist.

I was about to scream when their other hand covered my mouth.

" hey, don't scream, I just wanna talk." He whispers rather softly and reassuringly. I of course bite his hand and go for the door, while he quietly yelps in pain, to find that it's locked from the outside. " Hey wait" the stranger says as I kick him in the stomach and start banging on the door.

" PLEASE LET ME OUT, THERE IS SOMEONE IN MY ROOM" I plead as I kick him one more time, this time in the knees.

" I'm sorry miss, but Queen Valerie, and King Victor said not to let you out under any circumstances. And you have done this before so I am sorry but I cannot let you out" The guard says flatly.

" I'M NOT LYING THIS TIME PLEASE!" I scream a little more fear in my voice, and kick him once more as he reaches for me.

" Aithne, I said no, I will not risk this being another false alarm that gets me fired, Go to bed." He replies with a hint of anger in his flatness. The stranger goes to grab me once again, and I try and kick him but he dodges easily, so I trip him but in the process he grabs my veil and takes it with him to the awaiting floor. 

AithneWhere stories live. Discover now