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I tilted my head towards the cloudy sky only to feel further freezing drops on my face.

" I might be stating the obvious but I think it's raining." I commented while holding out my hand. Azhailse stopped, looking up towards the sky.

" Well until it gets bad we can continue moving forward." Jaakobah sighed, not even gazing as the rain started to pelt down upon the three of us.

" I think we should find shelter till it stops i-its becoming a bit c-chilly." The naga wrapped his arms around his torso to keep himself from shivering. It didn't work. Our breaths began to freeze around us as we kept moving and I too began to shiver. I should've grabbed longer pants, I sighed.

Jaakobah turned his now pink face towards us, he quickly cut away from the trail moving his hand to signal to follow him. He yanked some dry branches off the trees as we walked, the merciless rain pelted down harder and colder the longer we treaded. The dirt underneath my feet had churned to mud coating my frozen bare feet.

Azhailse's movements began to slow the more the temperature dropped. I was too cold to realize when the mud turned to cool stone as I continued to walk. My once bright red hair darkened, the tips dripped freezing water down my back. I heard something hard scratch against stone, I quickly realized it was Azhailse sitting down and that Jaakobah found a cave to keep us warm.

" One second, I'll try to get a fire started, Princess." The raven haired elf knelt to the ground, placing the sem dry sticks in a pile. I gave him a thank you nod and slid next to the naga, we were like shivering buddies.

" H-Hey why- why aren't y-you shiv-shivering, ar-aren't yo-you cold?" Azhailse questioned, his arms wrapped around him tighter.

" I'm not cold." He shrugged, water dripped from his hair down to the rocky floor, splattering it in a cool grey. He let a small shiver run down his back, he quickly covered it by sitting down cross legged. The soaked elf reached for his knife, lifting his pant leg to reveal beautiful yellow swirls running up his leg, wonderfully fading into a gorgeous purple. My eyes widened at the sight.

He glanced up and I quickly averted my eyes. I want a tattoo. The elf reached the knife holster and slid the blade free. Once he realized that he didn't have anything to light the fire with the naga tossed a rock at his head. Jakkobah caught it with his left hand and began to scrap the knife upon the rock, sparks flew and landed upon the branches immediately catching fire.

The flames danced around each other, a fiery deadly tango. Twisting and reaching for the ceiling, smoke rose higher and higher until it disappeared only to be replaced with another cloud. Sparks jumped from the fire, grasping at any chance they had to set aflame the place, only to be met with cold stone instantly distinguishing it.

Azhailse scooted forward and instantly reached out his hands, he sighed, grateful for the warmth. I followed his actions and I was also met with comforting warmth that draped over me like a blanket. Both our shivering had subsided and our eyes became heavy, I even caught Jaakobah slink down against the cold wall, fast asleep. I glanced over to Azhailse and he too had drifted into slumber. I would be joining them soon, hopefully I'd have a beautiful dream.

The last thing I saw before the sleep consumed me was the blurry fire and some movement outside the cave.


kind of on the shorter side but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. but I did do something...... I made a twitch account and I plan to do more streams soon. It is DannyChan15 with a nene pfp on.  

I also made a discord https://discord.gg/aAwseRNG <-- 

I hope your week is going well and I hope the rest is fantabulous. :)

until next time byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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