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                         We stay in silence, the mysterious boy looking up at me, his raven hair messy and contrasting against the grassy green of my floor, while I look at him, fear increasingly creeping onto my face as my eyes widen. I quickly gained my composure, as this was the first time anyone other than the maids, guards, and my parents, have ever seen my face completely, and tried to snatch my veil back, even though it was pointless. The boy quickly scooted out of my reach and jumped up, his hair flowing up as he did so faintly showing adorable pointy ears. I stop moving as I stand and gawk up at him.

" YOU'RE AN ELF!" I loudly whisper in disbelief. As I got a better view of him, he was quite tall, he looked a whole foot taller than me maybe even taller. I was standing around 5'3 while he looked around 6'8 or taller. His eyes looked like amethyst with hints of pink in them and seemed to glow in my moonlit room. They were beautiful. He just stood there like a mushroom on a log and looked down at me, eyes a bit wide but not as wide as mine, he said nothing.

" Wait, Elves are real. And you're one. Why would you be in the human world, and why are you in my castle, and who were you with, what do you want with me, are you going to kill me?" I frantically blurted out not thinking and just letting my thoughts move my lips.

"You're so tiny" was all he said. I quickly snap out of my thoughts and glare daggers at him, my face feeling like it was on fire.

"EXCUSE ME!" I practically yell, my voice cracking. " THAT'S WHAT YOU SAY " YOU'RE TINY" WOW THANKS, AND I'M NOT TINY YOU'RE JUST WAY TOO DANG TALL!" He quickly looks at my locked door to see if anyone was going to come in from all of the yelling.

" Do you yell at nothing every time you get locked in here? Do you cause trouble and get sent to your room often.?" he questions flicking his eyes from my door back to me.

"Maybe, but- HEY DON'T CHANGE THE TOPIC I'M STILL MAD AT YOU!" I stand on my tippy toes to show dominance, even though it backfired and he starts quietly chuckling.

After a bit of back and forth, the elven stranger is now sitting on the floor as I glare at him from on top of my vanity stool.

" If you're not here to kidnap me, kill me, sell me, hurt my family, or steal anything. Then why are you here.?" I curiously question.

" Well, I wanted to see the mysterious "human" princess no one has ever seen, before." He answers laughing a bit and adding hand quotations at "human".

" so you broke into the castle, because you were curious. And what do you mean by "human" I probe.

" Yeah pretty much" he replies, not answering my second question. " Oh I also came here to ask if you would kindly join me and my friends for a lovely walk into the forest over there" He points to the gorgeous woodland that I always find myself gazing at.

" Yeah, that doesn't sound sketchy at ALL." I reply. " And what do you mean by "human"" I question again. The raven haired elf sighs.

" This is gonna sound cliche." he shakes his head. I raise one scarlet eye brow. " I really came here to take you back to my world, the kingdom of all sorts of " fairytale" creatures" " see you are actually the princess of said kingdom, and were stolen by Queen Valerie and King Victor to start a war between the two worlds. When they won they kept you to rule the human world and work to enslave the rest of us" He finishes explaining the totally wacky story. Looking up at me to see if I understood and believed him. I slowly sat on my knees as the stool squeaked under me, and thought about what he said.

" you're right" I agree. " that does seem far fetched and cliche". " And what do mean "enslave" you, I've never seen your kind before (even if this morning was the first time I've left the castle) and when I did go out this morning everyone sounded excited to see us, no one sounded "enslaved"" He looks up at me in disbelief.

" Do tell me, How does one sound enslaved" I look down at him and think, I did sound stupid when I said that.

" um well.... Sad, not ecstatic" I reply, moving my eyes avoiding his. " and plus don't "slaves''" ( I whisper the last part) "wear chains or something, and have someone watching their every move?"

" And how do you know they weren't?" he interrogates. " You wore that veil the whole time, and judging by the fabric I don't think you saw very much." At that moment two pebbles came flying through the window. " that's my queue to go, think about what I said. Oh and if you have the guts, come down to the church out of the castle, it's the tall building, with stained glass and a GIANT cross on top, you can't miss it." The elf invites as he descends back down the rope and pulls the grapple free. I run to see him and his accomplices but they are already gone.

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