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                   I awoke to the sound of a crackling fire, the heat enveloped me in a warm embrace. Rocks and sand being pushed out of the way echoed throughout the cave, Like a giant serpent had slithered in. I squinted my eyes open only to realize my body was turned to the wall instead of the fire, the slithering became louder as the monster came closer. Fear shook my body as I slowly reached for my plate shard only to be met with air, my mind started to reel, am I going to die here, in a dusty cave?.. The slithering stopped, almost as if it knew I was frightened, I took that moment to sit up and look at the creature, my heat stopped. He was breathtakingly beautiful. His hair was long and silky, grazing against his lower back, it was the colour of freshly fallen snow it contrasted perfectly with his chocolate skin, painted with tattoos that seemed luminescent in the dim light. My eyes glanced to where his legs were supposed to be, only to be met with a long snake tail, at first glance it looked like a midnight sky, but as I gazed more closely and light bounced off of them, his scales held a rainbow of colours. My breath hitched as he sat down in front of me while crossing his arms, his face looked serious and golden eyes pierced through mine.

              " Who are you and what are you doing in my home" He questioned, his voice was deep and full of power.

                   " U-um, I'm sorry I didn't know anyone lived here. I can go" I hastily replied, getting ready to leave.

               " You didn't answer my question" His eyes never left mine. I sighed.

                  " I'll answer if you tell me your name in return" I tried to negotiate, he hummed in thought, glancing at the ceiling for a moment before returning to me.

                 " Maybe, you are in my home after all, I don't think you should be making the demands" A small smirk plays on his lips. I glared at him not wanting to answer, but I sighed as I noticed he was blocking the exit.

                    " My name is Aithne, and I was freezing and tired last night and saw your cave, I didn't know at the time you lived here. Since I answered your questions may I leave now?" His smirk grew into a lovely smile, slightly showing sharp fangs.

                    " It's nice to meet you Aithne, but I should warn you not to give your name out so freely here, it could be deadly." He greeted, slightly moving from the entrance.

                     " It's nice to meet you as we- WAIT YOU were the one who wouldn't move till I answered your question! WHAT do you mean it could be "deadly"?" He chuckled, moving to set another log into the cackling fire.

                     " I didn't say you had to answer both questions now did I?, By deadly I mean some creatures can control you, just by you saying your name." I glared at his reply, feeling slightly embarrassed. I looked to the cave entrance to see that it was still night, I sighed as I looked back at the tall serpent man. He chuckled again knowing I didn't want to leave into the dangerous night.

                  " If you want to leave you can. But if you stay, keep in mind you know nothing of me and what my kind eats." He teases as he slinks closer. "But if you leave, your safety won't be guaranteed either."

            " So either way I could die" I raise my eyebrow. "If it's okay with you, I'll be smart and stupid and stay here until morning then I'll be out of you're scales." I reply. He acts surprised at my answer but I know he knew I was going to go with it. I scooch closer to the fire and lay my head down on the rocky cave floor, using my arms as pillows. After tossing and turning for a bit, not being able to get comfy, I let out a groan.

              " If you want you can lay on me" He pats his tail, inviting me. I ponder what he said, and look at him skeptically.

            "You don't have to, you can just sleep on rocks all night if you want to." He yawns. He looks so comfortable, I sigh and drag my feet towards him. He smiles and stretches his tail towards me, I felt it coil around me as it gently brought me towards him, he leaned against the wall as his tail made a nest for me. Wrapping around me in a gentle blanket, slowly drifting me back to sleep. 

AithneWhere stories live. Discover now