Her House

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"MADDY!" Luke yells outside my bedroom door.

"WHAT" I answer back.

"COME OUT OF YOUR ROOM" He continues to yell through my door.

I finally open the door so we wouldn't have to yell.

"Why?" I ask.

"We're going places," he says in excitement but I grow concerned.

"What places?" I questioned him.

"You'll see" he laughs.

"Luke that's unfair and it's not funny"

"See you in an hour" he walks away.

"LUKE... LUKE" I yell trying to get him back here. I just hear him laughing as he walks downstairs.

After an hour of getting dressed to go to a surprise location. We arrive at a little white house with a well-kept garden with flowers and cut grass. This is the type of house you only see in movies or this town just sucks at keeping up with their houses. After a couple of seconds of us sitting by the curb in front of the house, it came to me where we are.

"Wait, Luke..." I said dreading the answer.


"Is this Kelli's house?" I question.

"It is Kelli's house," he says proudly of himself for tricking me.

"Why did you take me here?" I continue to groan. He didn't say anything he just opened the car door and started to walk up to the house.

"Luke no! I'm not going in there!" I say. He stops and walks back to the car and goes to the rolled-down window to talk to me.

"Come on it won't be that bad"

"'It won't be that bad' Luke she thinks I'm a stalker. Yeah sure..."

"Well I've talked to her about the whole name thing and tried to convince her that it was silly and just a misunderstanding"

"Wow thanks what would I do without you Luke"

"Starve to death... Come on let's go.."

I take a deep breath and pause for a second. "Fine..." I say defeated. I unbuckle my seatbelt and leave the car. I walked to the door slowly as Luke was impatient, he was already knocking on the door by the time I was halfway there.

A few seconds later she opened the door and she smiles when she sees Luke. She doesn't even look in my direction.

"Hey, how is everything," Kelli asks as she lets us into her house.

"Normal nothing too interesting" Luke answers as he looks around in the small house. There are boxes stacked against a wall and the house is mostly put together. There are photos on the wall and filled with glass animal nick-knacks of rabbits and squirrels. The living room doesn't have a lot of furniture just a couch, a coffee table with a glass squirrel, and a T.V. over a fireplace.

"Nice home" I tried to make conversation. Since she lives more on the edge of Cloudy White I haven't been in these houses.

"Thanks..." she said.

"Oh by the way before we start whatever we are doing I just want to say that I have Epilepsy so if I collapse that's why," I say knowing that something here might trigger an episode.

"Um... okay" Kelli was caught off guard by my statement. Luke stares at me knowing full well something's up. After a while of no one saying anything, Luke coughs trying to break the silence and getting Kelli's attention.

He looks over at one of the family photos on the wall.

"Our mom always made us wear matching clothes in our family photos I always hated it," Luke says pointing at a picture.

"Maybe I'll have to see that at some point. My mom always had issues with us sitting still for photos. She always tried so hard but nothing ever worked."

"Yeah, young children are a pain sometimes, especially when you want to capture a moment. They always like "oh you want a nice photo... well too bad mother!"' Luke jokes making Kelli laugh.

"I was defiantly like that with David. We always wanted to play. My mom was never pleased by that. She always invested a lot of money into sets and photographers. We always messed up the photos without a doubt."

"Wow," Luke says shocked.

"Yeah but sadly that was the last photo we ever took before the passing of my brother"

"Oh I'm so sorry..." he said

"You're fine"

"If you don't mind me asking. How old were you when your brother passed?" Luke questioned.

"It's fine I was six years old in the first grade he was ten in the fifth"

The next thing I know everything is black.

--- I heard sirens. I seemed to be in a school locked into a dark classroom.

"Everyone get down! David come here!" an older woman said in a corner waving me over.

"My sister Kelli she's out there"

"David get down on the floor," she said again. I heard gunfire in the hallway and a thump.

"KELLI" I yell running to the door the teacher grabs me. As everyone else is silent in a corner of the classroom.

"David comes on you need to hide. I'm sure Kelli will be okay. I need you to hide please" she walks over to me slowly as I'm crying.

There was banging on the door that made everyone in the room jump.

"David you need to hide" the breaks open the door. *bamp* He shoots the teacher. I try to run but he shoots me too. Then everything goes black.

I finally come through and I'm in so much pain everywhere. There were moments where I would be sleepy and won't feel any pain, no worries, just falling asleep if you were in your own bed at night.

"Come on" I hear a man say franticly trying to keep me awake. I only see blurs I couldn't make out a face. I hear sirens loudly all around me. "You'll make it just keep looking at me." the feeling of wanting to fall asleep is so overpowering I feel like I don't have a choice other than to close my eyes. "No... no... come on we are almost there." everything goes silent and fades into nothing. 

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