A city of Lanterns, a city of stone

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the days it took to travel to Liyue from Snezhnaya were full of nothing but boredom and lack luster interaction with people you didn't care for. and now that you finally arrived in the city of contracts, "Last time i was in Liyue was when i was under Childe.."

You chuckled, thinking about the fond memories you shared with the ginger harbinger, not only that but how you frequently tumbled with him for the sake of his will to become stronger. you even got to meet his little brother, which reminded you, the traveler that brought Teucer to the bank was the one described by Balladeer.

"Small world we live in.." you sighed, looking at people who eyed you through your mask, You hopped off the ship and onto the dock, looking around for a moment, the childish side of you that many people thought died with your sister came out to play more often then people thought.

With a leisurely smile, you left the docks and left to go shopping whether the 6th harbinger knew or not, he definitely wasn't gonna stop you now. with that said, you walked up the large flight of stairs, eyes scanning anything and everything.

Once on main street, you hurried over to a clothes shop because in a matter of minutes you'd be dying of heat in the outfit you were in. with the abundant choices, it took a while to choose what outfit you wanted but eventually settled with one.

 with the abundant choices, it took a while to choose what outfit you wanted but eventually settled with one

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(replace that orange with a dark purple)

The shop clerk smiled, "Thank you, hope you come by again" you nodded waving goodbye then heading to northland bank, hoping not to bump into your peer.

you stepped up the staircase, once more people eyed your mask and the eerie smile on your face, although that smile was just joy, people like usual just loved to misjudge. as you hurried up the spiral staircase you glanced at the people who walked the streets below.

You never really were one for crowds so while you loved Liyue, you'd likely stick to the outskirts on more busy days. but that was typical for someone who purposely outcast herself from society.

You greeted the guard at northland and entered the large and lavish bank, it had many warm colors which made you feel very cozy. though, all good things come to an end and that end was the 6th harbinger who stood in the center of the room bossing a diplomat around.

"I thought i ordered you to track down that traveler not to go shopping!" he hissed, the diplomat scurrying off in hopes of getting away from the insults he would toss around. "Sure you did, but i'm not doing that until i'm comfortable in clothing suitable for this climate"

when i say he was not at all used to being told no, i mean he hasn't been told no by anyone besides the Tsaritsa in years. "Excuse me?" he hissed, venom lacing his tongue, "Look, i have to travel all of Liyue alone, I'm not doing it in thick Snezhnayan clothes.."

he crossed his arms and scowled, "You aren't going alone, if i want things done right I've learned i have to do so myself" you rolled your eyes. "Well aren't you privileged" you spat sarcastically, "What did i tell you yesterday?" he asked, allowing the venom on his tongue to seep out.

"...sorry" after swallowing your pride you walked up the stairs silently, but turned around and flipped off the hat wearing harbinger like some teenager. you opened a small room built above the bank for storage and sometimes for guests, but you had a room for that.

with a quick change of clothing, you restyled your hair then left the room and returned back downstairs, "C'mon, best we go while there's still daylight" he pushed off the wall he leaned on and pushed ahead of you, shoving you to the side to prove his dominance.





Liyue's mountains reached the sky, scraping the clouds further allowing the sun to beat down on the pair more less. "perhaps if you weren't such an idiot you would have considered wearing a hat"

"no comment" for your own safety you just stopped responding to him all together since he never had anything kind to say, and you knew better then to allow him to indulge in your anger and annoyance.

And just like that he shut up, having nothing to say to your 'no comment' response, "Now what exactly are we looking for? I'm an assassin not a tracker" he glanced at the sky, "I already have word on where the traveler is, there's a few things i need to see to first"

"You could have told me that before we left Liyue!" his sharp glance instantly silenced you, "Are you a good actor?" he asked, mischief sparking in his eyes. "again, I'm not a joker" his brows furrowed, "No you idiot, i have yet to mention the falling meteoroids that have been plaguing this area lately that have been putting people into coma's"

"so we're astrologists now?" he readied his blade in case you planned to interrupt him again, "The Traveler is also investigating this, so, as much as it pains me to say this. You'll likely have to do some acting if we run into them"

You tilted your head, "what? why not just kill them?" he sighed, "Because they know something i don't, so I'll learn what it is then I'll kill them" it was unsettling how relaxed he felt talking about taking advantage of someone's trust.

It was giving all the more reason to not put any in him.

Do you think you are alive because you can fight?

You are alive because of what i did to save you


i'm sorry if this is jumbled together, i haven't gotten a feel for it yet. <3

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