𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓅ℴ𝓈𝒶𝓁 (pt. 3)

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It was late into the evening, the sun had just begun to set and you were sat out on the balcony of one of the guest rooms, reading through a book to keep yourself from dying from boredom. You leaned onto your hand and listened to the world slowly go quiet as the sun turned over.

Then you jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder, whipping around and nearly smacking a guard with your book before pausing and sighing. "Fucking hell..with all that armor you'd think you'd be louder."

The guard bowed his head, "My apologies," he hummed and stood straight again as you stood up and set your book aside. "The prince is asking for you in the garden." he stated with a rather blunt tone before you waved your hand dismissively and he left.

You sighed and scratched your arm, "what could he want." you muttered in slight dismay before shaking your head and leaving the balcony and heading for the garden the moment you stepped out of the guest room.

You at first had no idea how to navigate this castle but after so long living within its walls you'd grown familiar with the halls and what way's went where. The garden thankfully wasn't all that far from Scara's room nor the guest room you had picked for the day.

So you stepped outside into the garden, lit just barely by the moonlight but it was enough for you to see without needing to squint. "Scara?" you called and walked a little deeper into into the garden, looking around with a raised brow before noticing the Gazebo was lit up.

"Couldn't have been a little closer.." you grumbled and made your way over, the closer you got the easier it was to spot the prince busying himself with his reflection in a cup of tea, though he seemed to be contemplating rather then enjoying the look of himself.

"Prince." you called sarcastically as you walked over, a tad confused seeing sugar set out as well as tea set aside for you as well. "What's all this for?" you inquired and sat down across from him and leaned onto the table.

"I've..thought of a way to break this up," he began, though his gaze remained low as he ran his finger over the rim of his cup. You frowned slightly and scratched your cheek, "ah right, guess i've stopped thinking about that part." you hummed and added a little bit of sugar to your tea and sat back to listen.

"well, we haven't considered..letting it happen?" he looked up to meet a look of surprise in your eyes, "ah.." you stared like a doe in headlights before shaking your head and coming back to earth. "So you called me out here, to tell me you're giving up?" you teased and leaned onto your hand.

He huffed and shook his head, "I called you out here to tell you I-" he paused and sighed before standing up and walking over to stand beside your seat, where he kneeled down and chuckled seeing your dumbfounded expression.

"You're not-" you relaxed a little when he held out a little box, "We may not have the privilege of privacy or choice, but i thought-..it'd still be worth the effort.." he slowly trailed off and lost confidence as you stared at him.

But he took a deep breath to regain to his composure, opening the little box to reveal a simple, yet beautiful ring. "Will you marry-" he paused for a moment before backtracking, "happily marry me..?".

It was an understatement to say you were baffled, before you smiled and nodded, "As long as i don't have to keep calling you Prince to sound polite." you teased and took the ring box and set it aside for a moment before pulling him up.

He gasped when you pressed into a kiss faster then he could retort, his eyes wide for a moment before slowly closing, small smiles painted both yours and his lips, this was a good enough answer for him.

He stayed put and let you lead the kiss for now, just relishing in your presence and touch now that he could finally accept it without feeling embarrassed. And you were on the same wavelength, brushing your hand through his hair before breaking the kiss and leaning back to catch your breath before giggling.

"Your face is all red~" you teased and pinched his cheek before laughing as he looked away and grabbed the ring from its box. You held your hand out for him and smiled, wiggling your ring finger around when he put it on.

"Hey i think being engaged." you chuckled and looked up at him as he stood up, "I have one last surprise." he hummed and walked over to one of the pillars. "And what could that possibly be?" you inquired and crossed your arms.

He smiled and turned off the lights, for a moment you were confused before noticing that the flowers, the roses around the gazebo were glowing in the dark. "Wha- where did you find glow in the dark paint?" You got up and stepped out of the gazebo to get a closer look.

"The royal artisans make it with cave slugs, it'll be pretty easy for you to get now." he hummed and followed you over and smiled as you watched you fawn over flowers that had such simple paint.

"They're beautiful~" you cooed and looked back at him with a grin, the moon lit up your smile enough for him to see and smile back, albeit not as wide as yours. "Good, they'd better be, i spent ages making sure they'd look good."

He stepped close and kissed your forehead, "Let's go back to my room, my feet hurt after setting this all up most of the afternoon." he hummed and tightly clasped your hand. "That is unless you'd rather stay in one of the other rooms instead..-" he stated and looked at your for an answer.

"Ah..I was only doing that so i could think about denying all my emotions regarding you." you chuckled and stepped close and lifted his hand to kiss it. "Did jack shit about how i felt, but yknow." you sighed and shook your head.

"Well, that's a good thing, no?" he chuckled and shook his head, his thumb rubbing the top of your hand as a slightly smug smile painted his face. You rolled your eyes with a small smile, "Guess so." you shrugged before gasping as he pulled you along without warning.

You laughed and shook your head, nearly tripping over your own feet before managing to keep up with him.

Perhaps all that arguing and fighting was worth it in the end.
Because that lead you both here, happy with eachother.

You fell asleep in his bed, in his arms, and he did the same in yours, this was peace.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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