Anything for you

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TW: mania , self harm

[ Y/n ]

"Miles! Miles! Come on baby, listen to me. Come here. I'm not going to hurt you."

Miles sobbed and shook his head. "No! No! No! Get away! Stay away!" He threw some books at me and I flinched. "Miles, stop. You're okay. Just take a deep breath." He cried and I slowly walked towards him. "Baby, look at me." I softly touched his hair and he smacked my hand away. "NO!"

"I'm sorry! I'm not going to hurt you! I promise."

He shook his head and pushed me back. "I don't... No, I don't want you to touch me."

"Okay, I won't. I won't touch you. Pinky promise."

Miles turned and looked around. He stared at the picture on the coffee table for a moment before smashing it. I jumped and covered my mouth. "Miles-"

"Stop! Don't talk to me! Stop it now!"

He picked up a large shard of glass and pointed it at me. "Stay back. Don't hurt me."

"I'm not going to hurt you. Please put that down. You're cutting your fingers, Miles. You're hurting yourself."

He pulled his sleeve up and pointed the shard at his wrist. "Please don't. Miles, please." He shook his head and cut himself a few times. "No! No! Stop!" I ran over and grabbed the glass. "No! Stop! Stop it! Get off me you- You bitch! Whore! Slut! Bitch I fucking- I fucking hate you!"

"No, you don't. Come here Miles."

I dropped the glass and hugged him. He hugged me back, gripping my shoulder. I played with his hair for a moment before slowly leading him to his room. "Y/n..?" I looked back and Flora hid behind a door. "Y/n I'm scared... What's going on?" I held Miles up as he was basically limp in my arms. "Nothing darling, it's alright. Go play, hm?"

She nodded and I pulled Miles into his room. "Miles? Are you awake?"

He hummed and his fingers lightly clutched my shirt. "Y/n, it hurts. I'm hurt. It stings so bad."

"I know. I know. Come on." I got him into the bathroom and set him on the toilet. "You're okay. Let me see." He held his wrist up and I hummed. It's not horrible... Obviously it's not good but just a quick clean up and some bandages and he'll be fine. I got up and rummaged through his cabinets to find the first aid kit. "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n."

"What's wrong babe, hold on. Look, here."

I grabbed the hydrogen peroxide and some cotton balls. "Y/n!" I turned and he laughed a little. "Miles..." he pointed at the heart he painted with his blood on the wall. "Don't... Draw with your blood."

"You don't like it?!"

"I do, I do like it. I'm just worried about you right now, okay. So don't- don't stick your fingers in an open wound. Okay? Just so it doesn't get infected. You can draw me a hundred hearts with colored pencils after I get you cleaned up. Okay?"

"Yeah. 200 hearts. No, 300. Do you want 400? 500 is s nicer number."

"One heart will do."

"One thousand." He whispered.

I smiled and dabbed the cotton ball on his cut. "Ouch." He mumbled, slightly pulling his wrist away. "Are you okay, Miles?"

His smile faded and he stared at the floor. "Y/n I don't want to be anymore."

"At Bly?"

He laughed quietly and his tears dripped onto my arm as I wrapped his cuts up with the bandage. I had to grab some bandaids as well, for his fingers.

"Y/n, I don't want to be here. Alive in on earth." I touched his hair lightly and made him look at me. "I love you. Like, really love. Miles I think we were made to be together. Like, really made to be Miles and Y/n. Not Miles. And not Y/n. Miles and Y/n. Y/n and Miles. Hm? You agree?"

He nodded and grabbed my arm. "You're the only thing I'm living for, Y/n."

"Don't say that. Think about Flora. Ms. Grose. All the nannies who's lived would be so fucking boring without your fun games and pranks. Hm?" He nodded and I gave him a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too."

I ran the bath and slowly undressed him. Miles played with his hair and cried. He reached down and touched my hair, his hands were trembling. My poor baby.

I turned the water off and helped him up. He sat in the tub and I grabbed the shower head. Miles pulled his knees to his chest and I started washing him. He hadn't showered in two, maybe three days. I rinsed the soap out of his hair and he looked up at me. "You're so pretty." He whispered, starting to cry some more.

"You're pretty too." I smiled.

"Really? Even like this?"

"Totally hot."

He smiled back at me and I kissed his forehead. He doesn't deserve to feel like this... I just wish I could take his pain. Miles sniffled and looked back down. "Have they really been dead for 9 years?" He asked. I rubbed his back and lightly gripped his neck, just how he liked. He hummed and I stared at him. "Yeah, nine years."

He shook his head and I made him look at me. His curls dripped in front of his face, his dark eyes staring hopefully into mine. "I'm sorry, Miles. I wish it wasn't this way."

He nodded and I gave him a kiss. "Come on. All done, pretty boy."

. . .

"Milo, I'm... Back..." I smiled as I looked around at the room. "It looks so nice." I laughed, looking at all the paper hearts around the room. "My wrist is getting better. My fingers too." I looked back at him and he held up his wrist. "I even changed the bandages..." I hugged him tightly, kissing his neck and jaw. "Fuck I love you do much." I whispered.

"I love you more."

"How many?" I asked, looking at the hearts. "Somewhere around 1,500. I lost count. I got kinda manic waiting for my meds to kick in and just went ape shit."

I nodded and stared at him for a moment.

"I really fucking love you, Y/n. And you always take care of me... Thank you."

I nodded and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Anything for you, Milo."

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now