Lost dog

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[ Richie ]

I stretched and groaned, reaching for my glasses.

Huh, that's weird.

"Kurt." I mumbled. There was nothing. No collar jingles, no paw pattering, no happy barks.

I sat up and adjusted my glasses. I looked around for Kurt before getting out of bed. "Kurt." I said again. "Come here, bud." I looked around and sighed. Where is that damn dog? I wanna kiss his fluffy head.

I walked into the kitchen and my mom kissed my forehead. "Good morning, Richie." I hummed and poured Kurt's food in his dish. I emptied his water bowl and got him new water as well.

"Kurt, breakfast." I muttered, rubbing my eyes. I sighed and looked around for him. "Mom, have you seen Kurtis?"

"No darling. Did you forget to let him in last night?"

I shook my head but walked outside just in case. "Kurt?" I looked around for him and sighed. I walked back inside and started searching around all the rooms. When I didn't find him anywhere I immediately started to panic. "Mom! Kurt's gone! We gotta go find him!"

"Richie, eat breakfast first." She sighed. "Mom! Please! We need to find him! I can't live without him!"

She sighed and handed me a banana. "Eat this, go get dressed, and brush your teeth. I'll go grab a picture of him."

I ran into my room, eating the banana as fast as I could. I grabbed some shorts and a shirt. I tossed them on and grabbed Kurt's favorite toy.

It's fine. We'll find him.

. . .

"We-e- can't f-find him!" I sobbed into Y/n's chest, clutching her shirt. "It'll be okay, Chee. I'll help look for him." She offered.

"He's been gone for days!" I whined. "I know. But he's a smart dog. So don't worry, precious. He might show up at your house one day. Just be hopeful. He knows where home is."

"What if someone took him? Or is hurting him?! Dog fights are really popular here!"

"Chee. That is very unlikely but even if that's the case... That dog was bred to fuck things up. He'll be okay."

I nodded and sniffled. Y/n caressed my hair and I started to doze off. I haven't had a good nights sleep in days... It feels so nice to relax...

Suddenly there was cheering all around. I looked up and gasped. Kurtis was in the ring with a Rottweiler. No way! This isn't real!

I tried to run up to them and help Kurt but I couldn't get through. I had to watch in horror as he was attacked by the other dog.

I dropped to the floor, covering my ears as the crowd cheered. No, no, no. This isn't real.


I sat up and looked at Y/n. I got up and grabbed my shoes. "Richie, it's 3 am." She mumbled. I wiped my tears off my cheeks and sniffled.

"I can't live without him, Y/n... I can't." I whispered. She stared at me before nodding. "Okay, just let me get changed before you leave. I want to help."

. . .

Y/n and I had gotten the rest of the losers and we searched everywhere. My heart was broken. I had no idea where he was.

It's been almost 2 weeks now. I collapsed onto the curb and shook my head. "It's no use... He's gone..." I mumbled. Y/n rubbed my back and gave me a hug.

"We didn't check the dog pound yet." Stan said. "Oh fuck! I forgot we had that!" I got up and got on my bike.

Everyone tried to keep up with me as I sped to the dog pound. I tried not to get my hopes up. I ran through the front door and past the guard who was asleep.

He woke up though and shouted at me to stop as I looked through all the cages.

All of the sudden it was like the whole room lit up. Kurt was shaking in the corner of the cage. "Kurt!" He looked up and ran to me. I tried to get the cage open but the man grabbed me.

"Hey! Let go! That's my dog! Let me go!" I tried to get him off but he held on. "Let go!"

He let me go and I fixed my shirt.

"Is this really your dog, kid?" He asked. "Fuck yeah, he is. See. Kurtis, fuck him up."

Kurtis got down in his playful stance and I sighed. "It's a work in progress but he's mine so give him back."

"Whatever. You can't just run in like that though. Almost pulled my shotgun on you."

He opened the cage doors and Kurtis ran to me.

He knocked me over and my glasses slid across the floor. Dogs were barking everywhere and Kurtis licked the tears off of my face.

"Don't do that again!" I looked at his face and he barked.

"Kurtis." I sobbed, hugging him again.

"I'll go call your mom, Chee." Eddie muttered.


𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐈𝐈 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now