Chapter Twenty: Reminiscing Under the Moonlight

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Satoru places me inside of the open air bath; all at once I feel myself relax in the warm water. I quickly dunk my head under the water and try to wipe off as much of Satoru's semen as possible. I pop my head out of the water to find Satoru standing there with sake, mochi and wash cloths.

"Didn't know what you wanted so I brought whatever was in the fridge." 

I sign to him, Sake, please.

He hands me a small sake cup and the bottle of chilled sake before he enters the tub to join me. As I'm pouring myself a cup, he gets behind me and holds me in his lap. He kisses the side of my neck and gropes at my breasts. I drink the sake and quickly pour myself another one as I lean against my fiancé's muscular chest.

"So how much do you remember?" He suddenly asks.

I put my sake down before I turn around to face him, Enough to know that we were close when we were children. But it's still a bit spotty here and there.

"Do you remember that time I snuck a frog into Naoya Zenin's shirt?" 

I instantly recall the memory, It was that time that you snuck me over to your estate right? It was when you first learned how to use limitless to teleport. You used it a lot to come see me. I think grandma knew both of us were behind that prank but she didn't really care since he was a Zenin.

"Oh yeah, she totally knew you helped me. You captured the frog for me with your snake shikigami." I look down at my hands for a moment; Satoru catches this hesitation, "What's wrong?"

Your mother still doesn't like me, right? I sign to him.

He kisses my hands before he goes in to kiss me softly on the lips; he pulls back and moves a strand of my raven hair, "I don't give a shit about what that woman thinks. I love you and I'll simply kill whoever wants to get in my way."

He smiles as if he didn't just speak about killing his own mother; unfortunately I can relate to the sentiment, given what happened with my father. I certainly didn't shed any tears for him the night he was killed; the only tears I shed were for myself and my family.

I still sign to him, Please don't kill your mother unless it's absolutely necessary. 

"Don't worry I won't, killing her needlessly would just be a pain in the ass." I pour myself another cup of sake and he watches me closely. "Is that stuff any good? I really can't handle my liquor but if its sweet enough I wouldn't mind trying it." I must've looked a little too amused at the thought of the almighty Gojo being weak with his liquor, because he starts pouting at me. "What's so funny, huh?"

He scoots closer to me; I quickly drink my sake and sign to him, Nothing, just that the almighty Gojo has a weakness.

"It's not a's just a thing I can't deal with as well as others." He blushes.

I pour two more cups and hand him one before signing, I think it tastes sweet but I've also drank my mother's peach moonshine so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

"Shit, seriously? You really can't judge a book by its cover." He says before downing the sake.

I drink mine and ask, What do you mean?

He puts the cup down and continues, "Whenever I saw your mother before she ran away with you guys, she was so silent. She reminded me of when a lake is so still that it looks like a mirror. It was an eery sort of stillness." I think back and though my memories are still fuzzy, there was indeed a time when she silently accepted my father's abuse. But the silence was forever broken after she killed him. Satoru snaps me out of my thoughts, "What do you wanna do tomorrow?"

I remember seeing something about a botanical garden and I'd like to go to the beach soon.

His eyes light up at the mention of the beach, "You mean...I get to finally see you in a swimsuit~" I nod, then he suddenly grabs me and has me straddling his hips. His hard cock is pressing against my stomach.

We've already seen each other nude, what makes wearing a bathing suit so different?

He looks off thoughtfully and even taps his chin, "I guess it's like frosting on a cupcake. Sure the cupcake itself is good but when you put icing on it, it adds something more to it."

Did you just compare me to a cupcake?

He blushes and starts to trip over his words, "What?! No...not exactly. I was trying to use an analogy to explain swimsuits. Also being compared to a cupcake is the highest compliment you could ever receive." He tries to explain his argument with confidence but his blushing face reveals how embarrassed he truly is. I lightly kiss his lips before resting my head on his shoulder. A tired sigh leaves his lips, "Geez...why're you the only person who makes me into a mess?"

His fingertips trace delicate shapes along my back; lips hover over my neck before sweet kisses are pressed against my hot skin. I let out a contented sigh before leaning back in his arms to look at him. Do you remember when you took me to the aquarium for the first time?

"You mean, when you were ten?"

I nod before asking, Did you take me to the aquarium hoping I would remember?

"Not exactly. Sure that hope was buried in the back of my head, but the main reason is the one I've already told you." He gently holds my cheek with his hand, "It's because so much was stolen from you in your childhood. Your memories, your voice, your family, and your happiness. That was all taken or destroyed by that fucking monster, I just wanted to settle the score. If you remembered anything, it was an added bonus."

Why do all of this? Why be kind to me?

"Many reasons." He says with a light tone. "You're fun to be around, I never really know how you're going to respond to something. You kind of remind me of Tarzan which is pretty cool. If we ever got lost in the woods, you'd pretty much have everything covered. What else..." he says with a smile spread across his face. He pulls me closer to him. "You have a banging body, seriously I had no idea you'd grow up to be this beautiful." I blush at these words, "I'm slowly starting to figure out what makes you get flustered, but I also enjoy your strange responses to my flirting; even if they do catch me off guard. You also care about my students as if they're your own. And unlike me, you're very people that is, deer seem to find you terrifying. Hell, even that geezer Gakuganji finds you oddly charming."

Wait, he does? Since when? This throws me off since I assumed he still disliked me for almost attacking him and being related to a curse user.

"Right before we left he told me that aside from you being directly related to a curse user, you were too good for me. I think it's because you apologized on behalf of me for the whole baseball incident and your fighting skills definitely impressed him." He scowls, "I don't know where that old fart gets off saying I'm not good enough for you...actually that seems to be a running theme with people now that I think about it." 

I sign to him, Thank you for everything.

He kisses me slowly under the watchful silver gaze of the moon as we get to know each other once again.

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