We Don't Have To

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"Hey Teddy Bear." Bakugou greets his girlfriend.
"Hi Katsu. Did you have fun kicking ass?" The girl wraps her arms around her boyfriend's waist.
He wraps his arms around her shoulders and smirks. "I blew the villains sky high babe. Kiri helped too I guess."
"Which means he covered your ass for me. You tend to get distracted and leave yourself open."
"Bullshit. I do not."
"Then why do I always end up using my portals to send villains away from you?"
"That's on you not me. That is your decision. Tch, dumbass." He mumbles, begrudgingly.
"If you're gonna be like that then no cuddles for three days."
"But it's the weekend and I have off. You can't take away my cuddles."
"I can too." She teases and walks away.
He grabs her wrist and pulls her back into his chest. "Not if I have any say extra."
"I'm not an extra." She growls.
"You're right, you're my dumbass. Now for your punishment."

Bakugou kisses the woman as he walks to their shared bedroom.
(Y/n) kisses back, tugging on his hair.
They tear each other's clothes off on the way, leaving a trail.
Bakugou smirks as he looks her up and down. "Sexy babe."
The woman blushes and looks away. "Nah."
He growls and throws her onto the bed.
She gasps and leans on her elbows. "Katsu," she whispers.
He crawls onto the bed and hovers over her. "Punishment time."
She bites her lip looking him up and down. "What is my punishment?"
He lays on his side of the bed and grabs the back of her head. "You get to suck me off."

Bakugou went to push her head down, but her eyes widened in horror.
Her grip on his thigh also didn't help.
"Teddy Bear what's wrong?" He asks, sitting up and a look of complete concern painted on his face.
She stutters over her words, not being able to make a coherent sentence.
"Teddy Bear calm down. Take some deep breaths. You don't have to suck me."
"Please don't make me. I-I can't. He...he..." she trails off.
The blonde frowns, knowing exactly what was happening. "Your ex made you didn't he? He probably grabbed your hair like that didn't he? I'm so sorry Teddy Bear."
Tears stream down her cheeks slowly. "I'm sorry Katsu." She whispers and buries her face in his chest.
"Do not apologize Teddy Bear. I should be the sorry one. I didn't know he did that to you too. I knew he hurt you but I didn't know it was like that."
"I didn't want you to know. I didn't want you to be disappointed in me. I wanna be able to please you but every time I think about a blow job I gag and get flashbacks of him."
Bakugou rubs her back. "Baby you don't have to please me like that. Being inside you is enough." He blushes and chuckles quietly. "But I would never dream of hurting you, or making you do anything you don't want. Please forgive me. I should've made sure you were ok before I started."
(Y/n) shakes her head quickly and looks into his eyes. "You don't need to be forgiven. You are perfect and it's something I have to deal with on my own."
"You don't have to do it alone Teddy Bear. I will help in any way you need me to. We can take it slow or we don't have to do it at all."
(Y/n) sniffles and wipes her eyes. "Are you sure? But it wouldn't be fair if you always pleased me and I didn't give anything in return."
"(Y/n) I won't get off when I know you aren't happy too, or enjoying yourself. Blow jobs are meant to please both partners. I would feel awful if I forced you to do it."
"I love you." She whispers and kisses her boyfriend.
Katsuki kisses back, cupping her face. He pulls away a few moments later. "How about I suck on you and thrust so deep you can't walk for a week? I will make you forget that asshole ever existed."
(Y/n) blushes but smiles. "Only if you're ok with that. Katsu are you sure you're ok with me not being able to blow you?"
"(Y/n) if you keep asking I'm gonna blow your ass up." He growls and his hand sparks.
She backs up slightly and pouts cutely. "Fine, have it your way." She giggles and kisses him gently.
He smirks as he kisses back.

Bakugou Katsuki x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now