Lord Explosion Murder

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"Lord Explosion Murder~" (Y/n) sing-songs into her husband's ear as he works.
The said man tenses and his free fist clenches. "Teddy bear, that's a dangerous game. Don't call me that."
"But that's what you wanted to be called right? Back at UA. You wanted your hero name to be Lord Explosion Murder...oh yeah. Or King Explosion Murder."
Katsuki sighs but chuckles. "Midnight said it was too violent."
(Y/n) blows gently on his ear. "Lord Explosion Murder~"

Katsuki growls and stands up. He grabs his wife and carries her sideways into their bedroom.
"K-Katsu!" She exclaims and holds on.
"I told you not to call me that. You know how turned on I get. I have important work that needs to be done."
"Then you should go back and do it." She tries but he smirks.
"Not until I'm done with you. And now that's all you're gonna call me. Got it?"
The woman nods and blushes.

They make quick work of their clothing and he hovers over her.
His lips trail down from her jaw to her breasts.
She plays with his hair while he sucks on one nipple, teasing the other with his right hand.
After leaving a few marks he makes his way farther south, moving onto his stomach.
She watches him as he starts eating her out.
Her moans are music to his ears.
"L-lord exp-explosion murder~" she moans and tugs on his hair.
Katsuki smirks and continues his assault on her lower region.

"Do you wanna cum Teddy Bear?"
(Y/n) nods quickly and pants heavily. "N-need to."
"Then beg me baby. Why should I let you?"
"Please let me cum, Lord Explosion Murder. I need to cum."
A shiver runs down the hero's spine.
He smirks and nods. "You may."
After a few more flicks of his tongue she releases.
He cleans her up and she gets her breathing back to normal.

"Oh I'm not done with you." He whispers and flips her onto her hands and knees.
(Y/n) blushes and looks back at him.
He smirks and leans against her back. "Where should I put it?"
"Inside me." She responds and looks away.
He pokes her ass and she gasps.
"Don't you dare Katsuki." She growls and grips the sheets.
A shiver runs down his spine again at the use of his name.
"Then be more specific Teddy Bear."

"Fuck me or I'll edge you until your vision goes white again." She threatens instead and smirks.
Upon the thought he sighs but nods. "Fine, fine dumbass. That is the last time I let you take control over me."
"Who says you'll have a say next time?" She flips her husband onto his back and hovers over him.
"Seriously? I was just about to put it in."
"Well you were taking too long."
Before he can say anything else she impales herself onto him completely.

Katsuki groans and grips her hips.
"Lord Explosion Murder~" she moans in his ear again and he growls.
"Dammit woman! I'm already hard stop making it twitch."
"But it's so fun, Katsu. It's not a good hero name but damn is it sexy in bed."
"Cause I'm fantastic at exploding inside you and murdering your cunt?"
"Exactly." The woman responds and kisses him hard.
Bakugou tugs on her hair roughly and she moans and rolls her hips.

As she bounces harder and increases speed he groans and tips his head back.
She smirks and slows down.
"I swear to god if you think you're gonna edge me I will throw you off me and leave you like this."
"Fine. Another time darling." She kisses him gently this time.
The hero smiles softly and rubs her sides. "I love you teddy bear."
"I love you too Katsu."

When they finish (Y/n) collapses next to her husband and pants softly.
He holds her close and rubs her arm. "You're such a distraction."
"I know. But you love me. Right?"
"Do you think I would've married you if I didn't?"
The woman makes a thinking face.
This causes the blonde to look down at her.
"Are you serious, teddy bear?"
(Y/n) laughs softly and lays her head on his shoulder. "Yes I know you love me Katsu. Now shut up and hold me."

The blonde flips her off of him and sits up.
His feet touch the floor and he glares at her.
"Jerk," she mumbles. She grabs the covers and puts it over her chest.
"I have work to do. And now I'm gonna do it."
"But lo-"
"Don't even." He warns, pointing at her.
The (h/c) leans on her elbows.
"And I will be locking the door this time so you can't sneak in."
(Y/n) watches her husband put on his underwear then pj pants.
He remains shirtless as he walks out of the bedroom.
"Challenge accepted Lord Explosion Murder." She whispers and gets dressed.

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