Quirk Used Against Me

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"You're so fucking annoying (Y/n). Just leave me alone for once in your miserable life. I left for a month. It's not like the world ended. Being the number one hero takes a lot of work. So if I'm not home boo hoo. I can't imagine how I fell for you. And now I have to live the rest of my life with you? Kill me now." The blonde rants and the young girl couldn't believe what he was saying.
She takes a deep breath and nods. "Fine." She runs toward him to give him a hug, but Katsuki thought she was gonna hurt him.
Although on instinct his large explosion came out and hit her.
His eyes widen in horror as his wife goes flying across the room and smashes into the wall.
The female lays limp on her side, head bleeding.
Katsuki quickly runs over and holds his wife in his arms. "Wake up!" He yells shaking her.
A few moments later he grabs his phone and calls an ambulance.

When they arrive they get her onto a stretcher and rush her to the hospital. Katsuki squeezes her hand, silently praying she would wake up.
Upon arriving at the hospital they take her to a room while the blonde is escorted to the waiting room.
He could only pace and worry. He promised her that he would never use his quirk against her, that he would never hurt her physically. Now he broke that promise and she might not make it.
He grips his hair tightly, nearly ripping it out of his head.

A while later a nurse finally comes to talk to him. Her grim expression made him more scared.
Did he just kill his wife?
"She's in a coma, but she doesn't show any sign of coming out."
He walks to (Y/n)'s room and closes the door before he lets everything out. He falls into a chair and cries. He grips his shirt and clenches his teeth.
"Dammit!" He yells and looks at his wife.
She has bandages everywhere and it breaks his heart.
He didn't mean anything he said. He just wanted some time alone and away from stress.
Katsuki reaches out to hold her hand but quickly pulls away in fear of hurting her. He grips his wrist and cries quietly. His back hunches forward and his head rests on the bed next to her leg.
Her body only moved for her breathing.
"Please wake up baby. I love you so fucking much. I can't be the best without you. I'm so sorry that I broke my promise. I need you to wake up. (Y/n) please." He whispers weakly.
The monitor made a funny noise and he panicked.
When he looked at it he saw her heart skipped a beat. He looks back down at her but she looked the same.
The blonde man's heart clenches.
He sits back and doesn't leave his chair.
Although he does eat a little and go to the bathroom, always disappointed that she doesn't wake up when he comes back.

Months later

"Katsuki," Kirishima whispers putting his hand on his friend's shoulder.
The blonde looks up with lifeless eyes. "Hey shitty hair." He whispers back.
The redhead chuckles quietly at the nickname. "Would you be willing to do me a favor?"
Bakugou looks from his wife to his best friend. "You want me to leave my wife?"
"I'd like you to come to the class reunion. I know you probably don't wanna leave (n/n) but I know she wouldn't want you to spend your life in this hospital. She'd want you to go out and have fun."
Katsuki sighs, knowing he's right. The blonde stands up and stretches, back cracking. "Fine. But I'm not talking to anyone."
Kirishima was surprised that Bakugou let in so easily. The redhead smiles and nods. "It's a deal."

Throughout the night a couple familiar faces came up and tried having a conversation with Bakugou and Kirishima but the blonde didn't reply to anything.
All he could think about was (Y/n).
Deku congratulated Katsuki on the marriage, again, and asked when they were gonna start a family.
This triggered the explosive boy.
Before anything Kirishima pats Bakugo's shoulder.
The two of them were the only ones who knew about (Y/n) being in the hospital.
"Bakugou a dad? I can't picture that." Eijiro jokes and nudges Deku's shoulder.
The green haired boy chuckles quickly and nods.
Katsuki frowns deeply. He wanted children.
In fact the couple was trying.
He thought she was gonna tell him the tests came back positive this time but instead she complained about him being gone too much.
Katsuki's eyes widen as realization washes over him. He was about to call the hospital but his phone rings.

The two guys next to the blonde look at him.
Katsuki answers. "Hello?"
"Mr. Bakugou you're wife is waking up." The doctor responds.
The blonde's eyes widen and he looks at Kirishima. "(N/n)," he whispers and after hanging up he runs outside and gets in Kirishima's car.
The redhead drives quickly to the hospital. "What happened? Is she dead?"
Katsuki stays quiet as his mind races.
When the two arrive they run to the woman's room and burst in.
(Y/n) jolts from the sudden sound but she wasn't fully awake yet. She makes small noises and grips the sheets.

Katsuki jogs over and holds her hand tightly. "Baby please. (Y/n) wake up for me. I need you. I can't go on without you."
(Y/n)'s eyes slowly flutter open and she looks around until her vision clears and she looks at her husband.
"Katsu," she whispers weakly with a raspy voice.
"I'm here darling. I'm right here." He responds and pets her hair.
She leans into his hand. "What happened? Why am I here?"
Tears stream down his cheeks once again.
"I'm so sorry." He cries and grips her hand. "This is all my fault. I love you so much. I'm so sorry for what I said."
The woman looks at her husband and best friend confused.
The redhead smiles softly.
"Doc!" Katsuki yells.

The said man walks in and looks at the blonde. "Yes sir?"
"I want an ultrasound done on my wife." Katsuki responds.
(Y/n) and Eijiro look at Bakugou confused.
The doctor nods. "I'll have that done right away." He leaves and a while later a nurse walks in with the equipment to do an ultrasound.
She squirts gel on (Y/n)'s now round stomach. 
A small being pops onto the screen and the couple cries out in happiness and shock.
Kirishima smiles and congratulates them.
"Well well well you two. It looks like you're at least 4 or 5 months along already. Be very careful from now on. Be sure to eat plenty so the baby can grow more and be healthy."
(Y/n) nods quickly and kisses her husband roughly.
The blonde was taken aback but kisses back.
When she pulls away she smiles. "I don't know what happened, but seeing you cry makes me think you didn't mean whatever you said and or did. So I'm gonna forgive you. I love you Katsu."
"I love you so much more." He whispers in response.

Bakugou Katsuki x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now