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"(Y/n)! (Y/n) come back. It's pouring out. Come on! You'll catch a cold. Please (Y/n) I'm sorry." Bakugou yells walking around the forest. "Babe please! Please come back inside."


"Hi Katsu. Did you have fun kicking villain ass?"
"It was a pain per usual." The blonde grumbles.
The (h/c) frowns and hugs her boyfriend from behind.
"I'm not in the mood (Y/n). Go away."
"I'm not leaving until you're in a better mood." She responds and crosses her arms.
"And what could you possibly do to make me better?! You're useless remember? You're a quirkless slut who doesn't deserve what she has. If Kirishima didn't dare me to ask you out none of this shit would've happened." He yells standing up in front of her, faces less than a foot apart.
Tears quickly stream down her cheeks. "I'm sorry," she manages to whisper before running out of the cabin they were staying at.

Deku, Uraraka, Todoroki and Iida thought it would be nice to take a break and they invited (Y/n) and Bakugou.
Of course the blonde was against hanging out with the four but since it made his girlfriend so happy he agreed.
The day after arriving Katsuki got an urgent call begging him to come back and help out Kirishima.
The blonde was thrilled to go back and help his friend beat up villains.
This upset his girl but she knew him and she knew he would fine, and come back later that night.

Now a couple days later, and Bakugou had finally come back to the cabin, (Y/n) was super happy to see him and be able to spend time together.
But something happened this time, while fighting the villains.
They brought up the (h/c) girl.
"We can find her and have some fun with her. We'll use her to torture you young hero. It'll be a piece of cake. She is your weakness. Especially having no quirk to defend herself with."
This angered Bakugou more than anything. "I won't let you touch her!" He yells blowing the villain up.
His anger boiled until all the villains were taken down.
"Wow Baku that was awesome. I guess you can go back now." The red haired man informs.
But the only thoughts running wild in his head were of (Y/n) being kidnapped and tortured.
Her screams fill his mind and he grips his blonde hair.
"I can't let her get hurt. I can't lose her though."
The red head looks at his friend concerned. He let Bakugou stay a couple days to calm down.
They trained some more too.
Finally Katsuki decided to go back and try pushing her away.
She is his weakness and everyone knows it, and they also know she has no quirk.
He found it best to distance her to keep her safe.

When he gets back to the cabin he sits down on the couch.
No one was around, but soon his love came running down to greet him.
Her smile made his heart race.
He shakes his head and keeps a straight face.
'I can do this," he thinks to himself. 'It's for the best.'

After she ran out crying it took everything in him to stay strong.
"She's better off with someone else. Someone who won't put her in danger. She needs a normal life away from us heroes and villains."
The blonde grips his hair tightly. He takes a few deep breaths and leans back into the couch.
Todo comes down to get a drink when he sees Bakugou. "You finally decided to come back huh? She really missed you. I think she's waiting for you in your room. To be honest I'm pretty sure she was expecting sexy time because she was wearing something scandalous."
Bakugou's eyes widen in horror. He wasn't even paying attention to what she was wearing.
If she ran out in lingerie she could get sick.
"Dammit!" He yells running out of the cabin.
The rain storm had gotten worse and the blonde could hardly see.


Katsuki yells as he jogs around the large forest.
"Where could she be?" He didn't want to resort to blowing everything up.
If she was out here he had no idea where.
He didn't notice but he was crying. He didn't want to let her go.
She loved him right? She was strong as hell even without a quirk and that's why he fell for her. She was the only one who didn't take his shit.
And she knew how to dish it out too. She put him in his place.
But Katsuki loved when she was shy and timid.
Her blush and smile made his heart beat hard against his ribs.

"(Y/n) I... I love you. I love you dammit! I should've said it a long time ago. You're not useless and you do so much for me. You are pure and innocent and deserve the fucking world. Kiri didn't dare me to either. I asked you on my own. Please baby! I can't lose you."

Faintly he hears a noise. He jogs toward the sound and his eyes widen in horror at the sight.
(Y/n) on the ground with half her lingerie torn and her limbs bent in directions they shouldn't be.
"B-baby..." Katsuki stutter falling beside her.
She doesn't answer though.
Her body is completely non-moving.
He cries harder and screams at the sky. He picks her up and runs back toward the cabin.

"Help!" He yells desperately.
Within a few moments everyone was downstairs and they all gasp.
"Bakugou what happened?" Gravity girl asks.
Iida was already calling the police.
Deku and Todo rush over to the blonde and check on her pulse and the damage of her bones.
Deku has plenty of experience after all.
Cries are the only noise filling the room.
The four heroes were shocked to see their friend like this.
Deku had only seen this side of his friend once, when he claimed he ended All Might.
The green haired boy hugs his friend and surprisingly he leaned into him.

Soon the paramedics come and load (Y/n) into the ambulance.
Bakugou rides with her while the others follow in their car. "I never should've gone through with this. I'm so sorry baby."
(Y/n) doesn't move.
The two paramedics in the back do their best to get her pulse back.
As they near the hospital and hope is fading, the monitor jumps to life.
A small heart beat picks up and beats slowly.
The blonde looks from the monitor to his girlfriend quickly.
Upon pulling up to the hospital the paramedics get out and rush her inside.
Bakugou knew better than to try following them back so he goes to the waiting room and paces.
The four others soon arrive and wait with the blonde. Watching him pace made them more anxious as well, especially Deku.

~Hours Later~
Bakugou has fallen asleep somehow, his head on Ochako's lap.
The friends look at each other.
"I wanna know what happened," the brunette whispers.
"I'm sure he made her run out and she got hurt." Todoroki responds.
Deku looks at his blonde friend then at his lap.
The door opens and everyone looks toward the sound.
A man with a white lab coat on walks over. "Are any of you here for (Y/F/N)."
"All of us are sir." Iida responds pushing his glasses up.
"Oh good. She is stable and we've managed to place everything back where it belongs. It will take a long time to heal but I'm sure she can do it. We won't release her for a while but does she have anyone that can help her once she is allowed back home?"
Everyone looks down at Katsuki.
"Who is he?" The doctor asks.
"This is her boyfriend." Todoroki answers monotonously.
The doctor nods in understanding. "Hopefully he can be patient with her and help her recover quickly."
"Hopefully," all four heroes mumble in unison.
The doctor looks at them all confused. "Well, she is asleep right now but I'm sure she'll wake up in the next couple days."
"Thank you doctor." Iida says bowing and pushing up his glasses.
The man nods and exits the room.
The friends look at each other then down at Katsuki.
"Do you really think things will be ok between them? This will be difficult to overcome." Deku mumbles and looks at the others.
"I hope they can get over this. They belong together." Ochako responds.
"I agree. She calms him down and puts him in his place. We can't lose her and she needs him too." Todoroki comments.
"I've never seen him cry or worry. Have any of you?" Ochako asks.
Deku was the only one to nod. "Only once."

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