Arranged Marriage?

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"Katsuki, the twins need a mother. With you being a top hero they need someone to look after them. Your father and I are busy too."
"I don't need anyone, old hag! I'm fine on my own."
"We understand that you loved their mother but you need to think about your children and what's best for them." Masaru puts his hand on his son's shoulder.
The hero shakes the hand off.
"I met a nice woman you might like. I think she would make the perfect mother for the twins."
"I don't wanna meet anyone you picked out, old man."
"Katsuki! Think of the twins." Mitsuki yells and smacks her son, just like old times.

(Y/n) smiles as she knocks on the door.
The brunette man opens the door and smiles. "Welcome (Y/n). It's a pleasure to see you again."
"The pleasure is mine. It's very nice to see you and Mitsuki again."
Crying catches the attention of the two.
"Old hag you woke her up with your yelling!" Katsuki scolds.
(Y/n) walks over and sees the blonde hero trying to calm his daughter down.
Unfortunately neither blonde was helping.

"Do you mind if I try?" (Y/n) questions.
The father growls but hands her his daughter. "Knock yourself out. She won't-"
As soon as she gets the baby in her arms the girl stops crying and giggles.
She reaches up and cups her face.
"How did you do that?" Bakugou asks.
"I'm very good with children. I was dubbed the Baby Whisperer." (Y/n) responds and bounces the infant gently.
Katsuki walks over and rubs his daughter's cheek gently.

"We've asked you here (Y/n) for more than just a nice dinner." Mitsuki begins.
"We would like you to marry Katsuki. Maybe start with dating then eventually marry." Masaru finishes.
(Y/n) chokes on her water. "What?"
Katsuki rolls his eyes as he feeds his son.
"The twins lost their mother in childbirth. Masaru and I are very busy people so we aren't always available. Also with Katsuki trying to be a top hero he isn't always home either."
"So you want me to be a stay at home mom? I barely know Katsuki and I've never considered marriage before."

"I told you old hag, I don't need anyone. I'll be fine on my own."
"Are you gonna rush into a fight with one twin on your chest and the other on your back?"
"If I have to, yes!"
"You can't do that! You'd be risking their lives." (Y/n) interjects.
"Why would I wanna marry her anyways? She's probably an extra like the rest of them."
"Katsuki, she made your daughter giggle as soon as she held her. When was the last time you did that?" Mitsuki asks.
The hero was about to answer but grumbles and looks back down at his son. "Whatever."

(Y/n) frowns and looks down at the baby in her arms.
The girl is asleep, curled into her stomach.
"I want to get to know you before I agree to this. I know your parents but I don't know you Katsu. So if we get to know each other, and can tolerate one another, I will agree. Your children are cute and I'm sure we could have fun."
The blonde blushes slightly at the nickname. "Whatever extra." He mumbles and looks away.

Over the next couple weeks (Y/n) and Katsuki get to know each other and to his surprise he enjoyed her company.
Not to mention how much the twins love her.
(Y/n) couldn't help laughing softly when Katsuki grumbled when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
"I'm doing you a great honor by asking you to be mine."
"Oh yes. Lord Explosion Murder is too awesome to be mine."
"Damn right." The blonde responds.
"Fine. Then I'm only doing this for the twins."
The serious look on her face makes him frown.
"So you don't like me?"
(Y/n) smiles at his vulnerability. "Katsu, I like you. Of course I'm not just doing this for them. It'll be strange being a stay at home mom, but I'll look forward to you coming home every night."

It didn't take long for them to "agree" to get married.
It was (Y/n)'s idea and Katsuki grumbles in response, hiding a blush.
It was a small wedding with just family and friends.
The twins were the ring bearer and flower girl.
As (Y/n) walked down the aisle the blonde had to hold back tears.
She's breathtaking. He thinks to himself

(Y/n) comes home from the store one day and after she sets the bags in the kitchen she looks out to the living room.
A small smile appears at the sight.
Katsuki and the twins asleep on the couch.
His daughter on his chest, his son next to him and a book on his lap.
Katsuki's glasses are even slipping.
(Y/n) puts the groceries away then carries the twins to their beds.
The hero groans softly and looks around, still groggy.
When he notices the twins missing his senses kick in and he goes on high alert.

(Y/n) walks back out and smiles. "I see you're awake. You all were so cute. I had to take a picture."
"I'm not cute." The blonde grumbles.
The woman pats his cheek then kisses him.
He kisses back and holds her waist.
"I love you Katsu." She whispers.
"Sometimes I can't believe I love you too. When I think about how this was set up by my parents I get angry. Would this be considered an arranged marriage?"
"Well your parents asked if I would marry you but I wasn't forced and my parents weren't involved. So I don't think so."
The couple laughs softly and walks to the bedroom.

(Y/n) lays her head on his shoulder and traces his abs.
Katsuki watches as his thumb rubs her arm. "Would you like to know the moment I fell in love with you?"
"Sure." She responds quietly.
"When the twins called you mommy for the first time. I could see the tears stream down your cheeks and a small smile appeared. I was watching from the kitchen, making breakfast but it was like time stopped for a bit."
"I fell in love with the vulnerability you showed me. Big bad hero to the world but a loving father and caring partner to me and the twins."
The blonde kisses his wife gently. "And only you will see that side of me."
(Y/n) sighs but smiles. "I love you Katsu."
"I love you too, teddy bear."

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