CHAPTER 11: Where The Fun Begins! >:) (PART 2)

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(yeah I have a  strange choice of music <3 <3 <3)

\(//>3<//)/ <3..

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"Hello ma'am!" Tanjiro eagerly said.

"Hello ma'am." Zenitsu also said.

"Finally a customer." The old lady said sighing in relief. 

"What do you mean ma'am?" Tanjiro asked tilting his head in confusion.

"Oh, actually this inn was very popular. But when the demon appeared, since then, people were.... afraid to come here." The old lady replied with a sad smile.

"Hmm." Tanjiro nodded his head.

"Excuse me ma'am but I wanted to ask you something."

"Yes, what is it sir?"

"Actually, we are not just any customer, we are demon slayers. We are here to exterminate the demon who's apparently luring in this inn. So I wanted to ask, have you seen this demon?"

The old lady was silent, and in a few minutes she finally spoke again.

"Sir, how about we take a sit and talk about it while eating? I suppose you two are hungry from traveling here."

As the old lady uttered those words, Zenitsu's stomach began to growl. Zenitsu jolted and the two looked at him.

"Hehehe~." Zenitsu shyly said and Tanjiro smiled at him tenderly.

" Zenitsu shyly said and Tanjiro smiled at him tenderly

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(munch) (munch)

"Mmm~" Zenitsu made a sound as he ate the food that the old lady had given to him.

(munch) (munch)"Mmm~" Zenitsu made a sound as he ate the food that the old lady had given to him

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"Dwis wis swoo dewiswious." Said Zenitsu as he continued eating. Tanjiro chuckled.

"Zenitsu, you can't talk with your mouth full."

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