CHAPTER 4 : This is Unbelievable!!

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As Zenitsu regains consciousness he was attacked by a grumpy Inosuke.
"Hey Tenpatsu!! I'm not an idiot ya know!!! You could've just told me you and Monjiro were just fake dating!!!" Zenitsu was taken aback. That means when he was asleep Tanjiro told them about it and he apologized to Inosuke.
" fault." Inosuke crossed out his arms still angry at his blonde friend.
"Monjiro told me and Boi about it. Don't worry I understand things too ya know!"
"I'm really really sorry Inosuke."
"Hmph! You are lucky you're my minion!"
"I'm lucky to be Inosuke's minion!"
"That's right!" Inosuke happily nods his head.
"D-Don't forget I'm still mad at you Zenpatsu!!"
"Yeah,yeah." Zenitsu smiled. A footstep could be heard coming towards the room were the two slayers were staying. The door in the room was opened by Tanjiro who's holding lots of onigiris in his other hand. Inosuke rushingly took two onigiris and ate it in one go. On Zenitsu's perspective, Golden amber eyes met Crimson red. It only took a few seconds before they broke contact. 
"H-Hey!!! Leave at least one for me Inosuke!!" The blonde boy said. Inosuke paid him no mind only focusing to the food in his hand.
"Are you feeling better now Zenitsu?" Worry could be heard all over the other boy's heart.
"I-I'm fine Tanjiro." Zenitsu looked away. He could feel his cheeks getting warm.
"Are you really fine?" Tanjiro asked getting more worried for his blonde friend.
"Y-yes. I'm fine." Zenitsu finally had the courage to look at him and smiled at his friend. Tanjiro returned the gesture by smiling softly at the blonde. 

Three minutes have passed and the two boys were still smiling at each other. What's wrong with them?

"Hey, what's wrong with the two of you? Monjiro,Zenpatsu. Why are you smiling like that. Its giving me the creeps." Inosuke bluntly said.
"Hm? What do you mean Inosuke?" Tanjiro asked. Zenitsu took an onigiri and took a small bite, looking at the other boy shyly and Tanjiro was blushing???
"Oy...Monjiro are you alright?" 
"Ha-huh? I-Im good Inosuke." 
"Then why do I feel something is going on with the two of you??" Inosuke said.
"Are you any chance.................goin' ta be officially-"
"Wh-WhAaAtT?!! What a-are you talking about Inosuke??!!And-".........
"T-Tanjiro!!! why are you laughing?!!!" Zenitsu angrily pouts.
"Not yet Inosuke." Tanjiro whispers to Inosuke but Zenitsu could hear it loud and clear.
"Wh-What did you say stupid Tanjiro??!!!"
"H-Hm?? N-nothing! Nothing!!"
"Oh really??"
"You do know that you're a bad liar right? Tanjiro??" Tanjiro gulped, sweat dropping on his cheeks.
"Right?" Zenitsu was getting closer to Tanjiro.
"Y-yes..." Inosuke was thirsty and was about to go out and fetch some water when something came up in his mind. Yes!....... He has to do this. A payback for not telling him about their fake dating thing. Haha! This is gonna be the best prank? hmmm no this is gonna be the best payback ever!!!! Mwahahahahahaha.

Inosuke made the first move. Inosuke pushed Zenitsu. 
"Wha- Inosuk-mmf." Zenitsu slid and landed on something soft and warm? Why did he felt warm? O-oh.... he landed on Tanjiro. With the sudden realization that he landed on Tanjiro, he immediately got up.
"S-sorry Tanjiro." Zenitsu said a blush forming on his cheeks.
"Tanjiro?" Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro and he was frozen. He didn't move an inch. Zenitsu waves his hand on the other boy's face and he didn't get any answer still frozen.
"Inosuke.... what happened?"
"Are you dumb Zenpatsu??"
"You just kissed Monjiro."
"Huh?....W-What are you talking about Inosuke? I slid and-" wait....he did landed on something soft and warm right? it couldn't possibly...right??!!! HE COULDN'T JUST POSSIBLY KISSED HIM ACCIDENTALLY RIGHT??????!!!!!!!!!!!
"I-I couldn't possibly-"
"You really did Zenpatsu." Zenitsu looked at Tanjiro, now Tanjiro's  hand was on his lips.
"Did I actually just-.........................NO!!" Tanjiro was actually surprised of the sudden shouting.
"I- I-I'M SORRY!!!!" Zenitsu burst into tears.
"Z-Zenitsu."Tanjiro spoke.
"Z-Zenpatsu." In just seconds, the door in their room was opened and Zenitsu was gone.

"ZENITSU!!!" Tanjiro shouted.
"I-Its all my fault."
"What do you mean Inosuke?"
"I-I pushed Zenpatsu and then, this happened. All of this happened because of me."
"N-no.......and even if you did, I'm sure Zenitsu would forgive you."
"Mhm! He is really kind you know, and strong, and nice and that's why I-"
"So you're really goin' to admit it huH? Monjiro??"
"That you like him."
"N-No I don't."
"Oh really? then why is your face so red like a tomato?"
"W-What do you mean Inosuke?"
"You two are really idiots."
"I-I gotta go to Zenitsu."
"Yeah go get your man."
" I-Inosuke!!" Tanjiro's heartbeat was getting faster. He knew that that kiss was just an accident.....but it felt really nice. Was it supposed to feel nice? When Zenitsu kissed him, he really thought time stopped. It felt so nice that he couldn't move. Does this means that he liked Zenitsu? Was he inlove with him?  If he was, gosh he really is an idiot. How could he just realize this now?! Well he had a feeling that he liked Zenitsu ......but.... would Zenitsu accept his feelings? Would Zenitsu accept Tanjiro? Would Zenitsu love him as him? But Zenitsu is into girls. But still! There might be a slight chance... 


"This is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!" 

Some bootiful Fanarts ;3 (Credits to the rightful owners):

Some bootiful Fanarts ;3 (Credits to the rightful owners):    

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Author's Note:
I'm still ALIVE......hehe~ :3 
Sorry for the really really late update

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