CHAPTER 6 : Time To Get Refreshed Or Not??

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The blonde boy was heading to the bathroom to of course take a bath. Since he reek of sweat. The other boy was once again following him. But this time he didn't do anything. He didn't run nor complain why the other was following him. Since he knew that the other would also like to take a bath because he also reek of sweat. But Zenitsu couldn't even smell any unpleasant odor coming from the burgundy boy. Though the smell of tea leaves and coals were getting stronger.

Zenitsu sniffed his self.
'Blergh! What the- I smell so bad!' Zenitsu said. He slowly made a gap between him and Tanjiro.
'No way I'm gonna let him smell me! I smell sooo baddd!!'


Walking close like this with Zenitsu makes my heart race. Zenitsu smells so sweet. The sweet scent of peaches are getting stronger it's making me drunk. Are scents supposed to make me feel like I'm drunk? Well I guess so. But getting drunk with Zenitsu's scent, I don't mind.

The's getting away. Why is it getting away?............. Oh....Zenitsu is walking a bit far from me that's why. All I need is to get closer to him so once again I can smell his sweet scent.
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Ok........ I'm just peacefully trying to put some distance here so that he wouldn't smell me.... and now he's trying to walk near me? Why does he always make everything harder for me?!! Well not really that hard its just..... ugh!

Zenitsu tries to walk faster. But that only made Tanjiro to also walk faster.

After some time, Zenitsu finally gives up. 'Fine, do whatever you want.'

The two were already inside the bathroom with no clothes just a small towel.

"Zenitsu let me wash your back."

"H-Huh?" Zenitsu was perplexed. 'What did he just say? Did I heard it right??'

"Let me wash your back." Before Zenitsu could utter a response, he's back was already washed gently and carefully by the burgundy boy. After some time, Tanjiro was done washing the other's back. 'It wouldn't hurt to return the favor right?' Zenitsu faced the other boy.

"W-would you want me t-to wash your b-back?" After the blonde slayer said those words,the other's heartbeat was full of joy.

"Really? Do you want to wash my back Zenitsu?" Tanjiro said as his eyes sparkle with glee. Zenitsu averted the other's eyes and shyly nodded his head. The other immediately turned his back. Zenitsu started to wash the other's back gently and carefully.

"You really don't need to do this Zenitsu." Tanjiro said. Zenitsu shook his head even though the other wouldn't see him.

"No. I want to do this." Zenitsu said frankly.

"Really?" The other said as he turned his head and was met with golden amber eyes who was also looking at him.

After some time or maybe a few seconds, realization came to hit them. Their faces were too close for the sake of their selves. They instantly turned their heads away from each other leaving a warm feeling on both of their cheeks. Zenitsu once again started washing the other's back a bit harshly with out even knowing.



"I-Its okay.... please continue."


After Zenitsu washed the other's back, the two proceed to soak their body in a hot tub. Zenitsu was the first one to enter the tub.

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