The Quest

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Everyone was shocked at what Leon said, everyone knew that Bloodsuckers are voracious beasts that will do consume everything that they get their dirty little mosquito-looking ass mouth on.

Cedar: How did you get out of there alive!?

the same question running through all their heads, but only Leon knew the answer.

Leon: Maybe y'all forgot one thing, I'm the son of Merlin. 

Leon said with a stupid smile on his face, they can't help but laugh, in a good way, of how Leon praises himself.

Leon: And so there I was taking the quest and going to a local tavern to ask about it. 

Then the cinema cloud changed the atmosphere of the room, they all watched in awe as the cloud did it's thing, soon they could hear the bustling streets of the lively village, the birds chirping about their business, feel the heat of the midday sun they could even smell the fresh baked bread and pastries from the nearby stores, they were amazed of Leon's magic as he is able to bring even a simple story into a reality, or well a really good retelling of events.

It then showed Leon entering a tavern, it was what you would expect in a typical fantasy world tavern, people having fun, drinking and getting wasted, maybe throw in the occasional two people making out drunk type, and Leon headed towards the barkeep to ask about the quest, not before for a drink of course, and the people greeting him with praise.

Leon: Barkeep, orange juice please, a glass of milk for my furry friend and one whole chicken for the dragon.

 the barkeep nodded and handed Leon a tankard of orange juice, Puss a shot glass of milk and for Steel an entire chicken. You would think that people here would laugh at the trio for their unusual orders and Leon being a teenager in a tavern, but they already know that Leon has a reputation here handling quests for the locals and earning their respects, so it's best that they just keep quiet and mind their own business.

Leon then put the request on the counter and asked the barkeep about it. 

Leon: So, what's this infestation about? 

the barkeep raised his eyebrow then leaned on the counter.

Barkeep: You know the old mine here in town aye? 

Leon: Yeah, what about it? 

Barkeep: Rumors say that deep within the mines, there was one of those things that got trapped there and when they were busy mining, it broke out and starting feasting on the miners and turning them into those things.

 Leon then thought for a while and asked the barkeep about the creature

Leon: Trapped eh? How long was it trapped there for?

Barkeep: Who knows, my guess was a good year or two.

Leon: Two years without sustenance, but then it broke out due the constant mining of the place, sensed there were humans and had a feast, thing must be very hungry. So when did this infestation happen?

Barkeep: After that thing broke out and munched on all the miners, it started to take some of them deeper into the mine and they started multiplying, we guess that those whom it have taken were either transformed or worse.

Leon: That thing may have laid eggs inside of them and they were turned into baby food, they can also infect their victims and turn them into bloodsuckers. Peace to the fallen.

Barkeep: Peace to the fallen.

Leon then drank the rest of his orange juice, Puss conveniently also finished his glass of milk, and Steel ate the last bone of the chicken. Then they paid for their stuff and started to head towards the mines.

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