Chapter 6: Learning the Truth

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I woke up, startled from having a nightmare. I look at my surroundings to find myself, still in Springtrap's room. As I realize this I began to calm down and releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding. Finally, after I calmed down completely, I look to my surroundings once more to see if anything changed. I see the cup of water and the note still there.
'Next time read the note then take the pills.' I cursed to myself. A knock at the door, pulled me back to reality. The door opens and Nightmare walks in. He sits down at the foot of the bed and looks at me.
"You feelin' any better?" He asks.
"Yeah," I sheepishly reply.
"Then what's with that look?" he grins.
"Just a little disappointed in myself," I confessed.
"Why's that?" He cocked his head to the side and his face laced with concern. I glance to the cup of water and the note. He follows the direction that I am looking at and immediately understood what I was trying to say.
"Don't be mad about that. Scraptrap cares, he just has a funny way of showing it." He reaches a hand out and began rubbing my back in soothing circles. Before he continued again.
"You know that he loves you like one of his own, if not more. But... at the same time he has to make sure you don't mess up everything he's worked for." He continues to rub my back. But I throw his hand off and stand up and turn to him.
"That's messed up! I didn't ask for any of this!" We continued to argue until Springtrap suddenly walked in, not looking very happy. He gets in Nightmare's face and starts shouting.
"Leave her/him alone! You know that your not supposed to upset him/her!" he growls.
"Yeah well at least I didn't flip out on her/him." Nightmare grins knowing that Springtrap can't really retort back.
"You know fully well that I didn't do anything. Or would ever for that matter." Springtrap glared daggers at Nightmare. Nightmare knew the difference between the rumors and what actually happened. But he didn't see why he couldn't mess with him over it.
"That's not what everybody else thinks." Nightmare smirked. He knew he won.

Springtrap's POV
I look down in defeat. He's right everyone thinks I'm a monster. I walk away knowing I can't win against my brother. As I walk down the hallway. I noticed everyone on the couch, watching TV. Everyone looks up to see who walking in, but when they saw that it was me they all huffed and turned away. I knew they all hated me, but there was nothing I could do, so I looked down at my feet and walked to the kitchen. I figured I would make (Y/N)'s favorite, then at least she/he could feel a little bit safer here. I started pulling out the things I needed when I heard Plushtrap running up to me.
"Daddy!" He runs up to me, arms extended ready to give me a hug. I crouch down to his level and embrace him as he runs into my arms. I hug him and pick him up.
"Hey, there Kiddo. Whatcha' doing?" I raise him up to he can look at me and answer me.
"I wanted to see if you brought Mommy?" I looked at him confused.
"We talked about this, bud. Mom left and ain't coming back." I looked at him, sadly.

Plushtrap was finally born and both him and his mama was fast asleep in the hospital bed. After a few hours, his mom woke up. They told us we were good to go home tomorrow so I started to get ready to leave. I left the room for a few minutes and came back to find the bed empty except for a note and the newborn, who was still asleep. I picked up the note and read it.
'This was a mistake. I'm not ready to be a mother. You can keep the kid. I am gonna pack up and get my things and make it seem like this never happened. Goodbye.' I started to panic. I wasn't ready to be a dad, and now I would have to do it all by myself. I turned and looked at my son and picked him up. I held him to my chest. At this point he started to cry. I knew he wanted his mama. Maybe one day I can make that happen.

*Flashback End*
Plushtrap reaches out and grabs my face. His way of pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Daddy, not her. The new mommy." He smiled up at me.
"What new mommy?" cocking my head to the side.
"The mommy that grandpa was with."
"(Y/N)" I put him on a chair and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Son, I don't know if he/she wants to be a mom. Let alone she/he doesn't know about you yet." I gave him a apologetic look. He smiled back at me.
"Then lets go see."
"Son, I admire your perseverance but lets give him/her some time to settle in she/he had a run in with grandpa so..." I trailed off.
"Oh" his ears lowered down.
"Okay" he said defeated.
"Well do you want to help make his/her favorite food? Might win you some brownie points," I said trying to reassure him.
"Okay," his ears perked up and we got to work on (Y/N)'s food.

Time skip
We finished (Y/N)'s food and Plushtrap wanted to meet (Y/N) so he came with when I brought his/her food. Plushtrap knocks on the door for me since my hands were full. After he knocks he opens the door.
"Here's the food I promised." I smiled but it faltered when I noticed that Nightmare was in bed with (Y/N). His arms wrapped around (Y/N) with his tongue down her/his throat. I dropped the food in shock and the two of them turned and looked at me. Plushtrap pulls at my leg to get me away from the situation.
"Daddy...  c'mon." He desperately trying to get my attention.
"Wait..." (Y/N) stood up and stepped away from Nightmare. While Plushtrap ran to hide behind me.
"I didn't know you had a son." She/He crouched down to Plushtrap's level and extended an arm to try to coax him out from behind me.
"Well... yeah, I always told you I wanted kids." I looked down sheepishly not knowing what to expect.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" She/He asked still trying to coax him out. But it made Plushtrap bury his head further in the back of my legs.
"It's okay, Buddy. She/He is just trying to say hi." I reach down to pet the top of his head to calm him down.
"I'm Plushtrap" he pokes his head out from behind me.
"Aww, such a cute name." She/He reaches behind me to pet Plushtrap's head. He calmed down and leans into it.
"He really likes his ears rubbed." I tell her/him. Plushtrap slowly comes out from behind me. (Y/N) reaches up and gently rubs his ears in between his/her fingers.
"I see that" (Y/N) giggles/chuckles.
Suddenly, Chica walks in.
"Hey, (Y/N) your up? You wanna watch tv with us?" (Y/N) stops petting Plushtrap and faces me and Nightmare.
"Well... I'll see you later guys." (Y/N) walks out. I turned and looked at Nightmare.
"Now we are even." I picked up Plushtrap and walk out of the room while smirking at Nightmare. He glares back and bears his teeth. But I have already walked out.
To Be Continued

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