Chapter 7: Curiosity Killed the Cat

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Nightmare's POV
I happened to be passing by Springtrap's room, when I hear panicked breathing and rustling of blankets. So I knocked on the door and then opened it. I walk in and see (Y/N) with a scared look on his/her face. I walk over to the bed and sit at the end, next to (Y/N)'s feet.
"You feelin' any better."
"Yeah," she/he sheepishly replies.
"Then, what's with that look?" I grin. Knowing that he/she probably has a nightmare.
"Just a little disappointed in myself." (Y/N) starts fiddling with his/her hands. I cocked my head to the side.
"Why's that?"(Y/N) glances to the table beside the bed. I look over there and see my dad's note and glass of water, still half full.
"Don't be mad about that. Scraptrap cares, he just has a funny way of showing it." I noticed (Y/N) started to pout so I started rubbing her/his back to reassure him/her.
"You know that he loves you like one of his own, if not more. But... at the same time he has to make sure you don't mess up everything he's worked for." (Y/N) pulls my hand off and stands up and faces me.
"That's messed up! I didn't ask for any of this!" The door suddenly burst open and Springtrap walks in. He glares at me when he notices that I was in there with (Y/N) and walks up to me.
"Leave her/him alone! You know that your not supposed to upset them." He glares daggers at me.
"Yeah, well at least I didn't flip out on him/her." I grin back at him knowing Springtrap can't fight me on this.
"You know fully well that I didn't do anything. Or would for that matter." I knew he wouldn't, whenever it came to (Y/N), he always went soft. But after years of torment from him when we were kids it's kinda nice to get a little payback every now and again.
"That's not what everyone else thinks." I smirked knowing I won the argument. He wasn't gonna push it with (Y/N) standing there, watching. He puts his head down and walks out of the room. (Y/N) turns to me, confused.
"What have I missed?"
"A lot, actually." I sigh.
"I have time" She/He said sitting back down on the bed. I sat down and started to explain.
"Well... After you left town. My father, started to drink. Isabella, my mom, left him. Elizabeth grew distant. And Micheal started picking up bad habits. One night my dad came up with a way to bring me back."
"By stuffing you into a suit?"
"Yes, now don't interrupt." I glared at him/her.
"Sorry." She/He ducked their head and ears down.
'Looks like (Y/N) is starting to get the hang of his/her new body.' I noted before I continued.
"He somehow got it to work and Micheal was so happy to see me." I chuckled.
"I think he finally was starting to listen to you." I laughed but this time (Y/N) joined me.
"I'm glad he's finally being nice to you." (Y/N) looks up at me and smiles while stroking my leg. I look down and intertwine my fingers in her/his.
"You know (Y/N), I always had a crush on you." I blushed.
"Really? Why?" (Y/N) blushed.
"You were always so nice to me." I confessed. I leaned towards him/her and kissed her/him. I pulled away and (Y/N)'s face got even redder.
"I always wanted to do that." I smiled at her/him.
"I'm sorry. I can't control myself." I pushed (Y/N) over so that she/he was laying on the bed. I layed down next to her/him and took them into my arms. As I began to start kissing her/him again. But I wanted to feel more of her/him so my hands got to work. Feeling his/her chest/breasts, then moving to their stomach. I got bored of this and moved down to their butt. (Y/N) gasped and I snuck my tongue in. It didn't last long, as the moment was ruined by crashing dishes. I look over and see Springtrap and Plushtrap at the door.
'So he's gonna use the kid as bait to lure (Y/N) in. Well... Not on my watch.' Plushtrap pulls at Springtrap's leg trying to get his attention. Doesn't seem to be working.
"Daddy c'mon." Plushtrap pulls at his father's leg harder.
"Wait..." (Y/N) steps towards Springtrap.
"I didn't know you had a son." She/He crouched down to Plushtrap's level and extended an arm to try and coax him out from behind Springtrap.
"Well... Yeah, I always told you I wanted kids."
'Wait... They talked about having kids?' I thought to myself. Now I'm worried.
"Hi, I'm (Y/N), what's your name?" (Y/N) asked, still trying to coax Plushtrap out. Which only makes him hide some more.
'Strange, usually he is excited to meet new people. Always saying he will find a new mommy.' I noted.
"I'm Plushtrap." He slowly pokes his head from out behind his father. (Y/N) reaches out and starts to pet Plushtrap's head.
"Aww... Such a cutie."
"I wish you would pet me like that." I cursed under my breath. Springtrap's ears twitched indicating that he heard me. I look over to (Y/N) and see that she/he didn't hear me. Being to preoccupied with petting Plushtrap. I glance back over to my brother and he just smirks back at me. Suddenly, Chica walks in. Me and my brother were too busy having a stare down to notice that (Y/N) excused himself/herself and walked out to join the others. Springtrap goes over and picks up Plushtrap and starts to walk out while still smirking.
"Now we are even." He said as I bear teeth and glare at him. I was about to retort when I saw that he already walked out.
"We will see about that" I grinned. Let the games begin.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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