Chapter 2: Your New Body

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(Narrator's P.O.V.)

You are still at your house, William brought a couple of people such as a medic and a few workers. You are currently in a medically induced coma getting ready for the transfer from your human body to your new body. Your Mom was still unsure about the whole thing but she hated to see you stuck in bed all day not being able to even go two feet to the bathroom without all those machines. Since you were put into the coma, she has not left your side. She pulled up a chair next to your bed and has been holding your hand as if it to let you know that she is there for you the whole way.

(Your Mom's P.O.V.)

"Are you sure this is safe?" I asked William.

"Of course! Do you think I would endanger our daughter?" Will said stopping what he was doing to turn and look at me with a smirk as he chuckled at his joke.

"I would never hurt him/her you know that," He finished.

"Yes, I know that. But, is it true you can bring back my daughter? What she once was at least,"

"Well, let me ask you this. Do you think I would be doing any of this if I thought it would work? Or drag her/him through this is if I thought it would hurt him/her?" He said with a look on his face that said 'don't doubt me!'

I sighed.

"No... No, you wouldn't. Sorry for doubting you, "I said looking down in both guilt and hope that this really works and brings my baby back.

She/he never deserved any of this. She/he was a straight-A student, always did her/his homework. Was always nice to everyone he/she met. Always helped in every way he/she could. And when we found out that her organs were failing her/him and that we could never disconnect all the machines or she/he would die. I felt so weak and helpless I didn't know what to do or who to talk to. But one day William called me and asked how we were doing. I couldn't help but explain our situation to him and before I knew it he was at my door, explaining how he could help us bring her/him back to her/his former glory. I was ecstatic, she/he could finally go back outside without those wretched machines. But I am afraid that something will go wrong. That she/he won't like their new body. William walked up to me and shook his hand in front of my face to pull me out of my little world.

"Huh? What did you say," I said after finally coming back to reality?

"We are ready for the transition," Will stated.

"Okay, then I guess let's get started," I replied.

I stood up to get out of their way. I walking into the living room to the living room and sat down with my head in my hands trying to calm down my thoughts and to try to stop myself from crying, scared out of my mind about my baby boy/girl.

Time Skip

(Reader's P.O.V.)

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I heard a voice but I couldn't recognize it.

I tried opening my eyes. After a few blinks, my vision finally came back to me. But my body felt so heavy that I couldn't move anything.

"Easy girl/boy... Easy... Relax. You safe, just relax and get some rest." The voice soothed.

I soon relaxed and fell back asleep.

Time Skip

I woke up and I could breathe, and I didn't hear any of the machines.

'Did I die?' I thought to myself.

My mom and Will must have heard me moving around and soon came in.

"Are you okay, kiddo? Can you hear me?" asked Mr. Afton.

"Yes," I responded.

Mr. Afton smiled at me and looked at my mom in reassurance. Then, looked back at me.

"Does anything hurt? Are you having any issues breathing or moving?" He asked once again.

"No, not that I can tell at the time," I said a little unsure.

He looks back at my mom again with another hearty smile. He once again looks back at me. He walks a little bit closer.

"Do you think you can stand?" He asks.

"Yes, I think I can," I say, sitting up in bed.

I turn myself until my legs are over the edge of the bed. I slowly inched myself off of the bed until my feet touched the ground. At that moment I noticed my feet were a lot bigger than before and were now (Favorite/Color). I look back at Mr. Afton.

"What the?" I questioned.

"It's your new body as I promised. Now remember to take everything nice and easy and I promise and I will show you your new body and I will tell you all the secrets about your new body as well," Mr. Afton explained.

I continued with trying to stand be finishing putting my feet to the ground. Finally, I was able to stand on both feet. When I was finally able to stand, Mr. Afton came over and grabbed my hand and my mom walked over and grabbed my other hand. They both helped me walk to the hallway where there was a mirror, which is what Mr. Afton was talking about. We finally get to the mirror, and about halfway there I finally relearned how to walk on my own.

"Well, what do you think?" Mr. Afton asked me with one of his signature smirks on his face.

I look in the mirror and took notice of how my new body is now an animatronic suit. But, at least I can now breath, and walk and talk and move all on my own, which is what I couldn't do before. I also noticed the I was now a (Favorite/Animal) in (Favorite/Color). When I was done admiring my new body I turned to look at Mr. Afton. I walked closer and gave him a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you so much, this is so much better than those stupid machines and being stuck in that bed," I said about ready to cry from absolute happiness.

I can't believe I don't ever have to go through another day of hell. Not being able to breathe. Not being able to move without help. To wake up having to untangle all the wires wrapped around my arms and legs and neck just so I can go back to bed. None of that ever again.

"Well when your done relearning to walk and talk and even done learning some secrets of your new body, I know some people who are dying to see you again," He chuckled.

At the time I didn't realize how sinister he really meant with that statement.

To Be Continued

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