Chapter 1: They Followed Me Home

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(Your P.O.V.)

"Honey? Mr. Afton heard that you were not feeling good so he came to see you today."

I gently opened my eyes to look at my mother standing above me. I gently nod my head to let her know that I heard her over the heart monitor and breathing machine. She gave a slight smile and turned to walk back out to bring Mr. Afton into the room. A few minutes passed and my mom walked back into my room with Mr. Afton.

"I'll give you two a moment alone, "Said my mother before she walked back out to give me and Mr. Afton some privacy.

"So I heard that your organs are failing you," Said Mr. Afton

"Yes, I can't even get up to go to the bathroom without some sort of machine" I replied.

"You remind me of when poor Charlie was still alive," He said back.

"Please don't remind me," I replied trying not to cry.

"You know I can help," He said with a smirk on his face.

"How?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Sweetheart, you know I build robots for a living right?" He asked with an even bigger smirk.

"Yes," I replied not understanding where he was going with this.

"Well I have plenty of leftover suits and I could put you in one. It would fix your failing organ problem because this robot doesn't need to eat, sleep, breath, or go to the bathroom." He said standing up to come to sit on my bed.

I looked at him wide-eyed not believing in what I just heard.

"One that's not possible to put me in a suit, two I can't even move to do any sort of surgery let alone to put me in a suit," I said still wide-eyed.

"Well, that's the glory of it. You don't even need to lift a finger for this to happen. All I need is your consent and we can make this happen," he said still grinning.

"Wait... You're saying you don't need me to sign for anything? No, payment needed?" I asked, beyond confused.

"For you darling, its nothing at all. You already know that I already call you one of my kids," He said.

"..." I looked down in disappointment.

"But I moved away. I don't come to see you guys anymore. I'm not seeing Micheal anymore. I don't keep in contact with Elizabeth anymore. And I blame myself for Charlie's death." I said trying not to cry.

" Sweetie, that doesn't matter. Just because you left doesn't mean your not apart of us. In my opinion, you will always be like a daughter to me. But we are starting to get a little off-topic, aren't we? So what do you say?" He asked while leaning in towards me.

"Yes, I agree with you putting me in a suit. Anything is better than what my situation already is." I replied.

"Okay, Well I better get going and start preparations for the transfer. Plus, you need your rest. And don't worry about filling in your mom I will do that for you. Just get your rest and I will see you soon." He said.

I turned to get comfortable to go back to sleep. While he turned to walk out of my bedroom. I soon fell asleep listening to Mr. Afton and my mother talking.

To Be Continued

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