Chapter one: What have I done?

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"Kili?! Kee where are you?! "The blonde dwarf called out for his little brother. There was no response. Fili sighed and shook his head. Where had his wreck less little brother gone? "Kee! Uncle and Mum are worried sick! This isn't funny!" Fili called once more. The young dwarf felt very uneasy as he scanned the trees. He never trusted these woods when he was here alone. "Kili come on lad seriously this isn't a game!" Fili sighed. Suddenly he sensed he was being watched. His hair stood on end and he looked around to find who it was. "Kili..?" The dwarf asked with a hint of uncertainty. He longed to turn around and bolt out of the forest. But he knew he could not come home without his brother so he just kept his hand on his dagger and kept walking. That was when he heard footsteps behind him. He froze and gripped his dagger tighter. When Fili felt a hand touch his shoulder he whipped around. He met his brothers face. Kili's mouth was opened in a silent gasp and pain was clear in his eyes. "Kee..? Wha.." Fili cut himself off with a gasp as his eyes trailed down to his brothers stomach where a dagger was lodged deep into his flesh. "Oh no... no no no.. Kee I-Oh Mahal!" Fili panicked. "Fee.." Kili whined. "Kili I am so sorry. Don't worry I'll get you to uncle!" Fili said as he gently lifted his brother up, careful not to give his brother any more pain than he had already caused. Kili buried his face into his brothers neck. Tears were streaming down his face and his breath was coming in short gasps. Fili ran as fast as he could toward his home in the blue mountains and only one thought ran through his mind. "My brother may die... And it's all my fault..."

AN: Dun Dun Dun! Okay so I'm sorry this was short but I tried X3 any who tell me what you think of this. By the way Kili is about 12 and Fili is 16.

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