Chapter Two: If only i could go back in time...

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"Uncle! Uncle Thorin!" Fili cried out as he neared the small house. Thorin's head snapped up. He looked at his sister, Dis who shared the same worried and confused expression as he did. Both of them quickly made their way outside. "Fili what's.... Oh Mahal.." Thorin trailed of when he saw his youngest nephew. He rushed to Fili and took Kili from his arms. "I-I didn't mean to uncle! I was looking for him out in the forest he scared me! I-I didn't know what I was doing until it was to late!" Fili rambled hopelessly. "Enough Fili! We will speak of this later. Right now I have to get your brother to Oin." Thorin snapped. Fili snapped his mouth shut. He watched as his uncle carried Kili away.


Fili say in his room. Many thoughts buzzed through his mind. Was Kili going to be okay? What was Thorin going to do? 'What ever he decides to do to me I deserve it. What I've done is unforgivable. I'm a monster.' Fili thought to himself. He rested his head in his hands and sighed. "Fili dear?" a usually comforting voice of his mother sounded. He heard footsteps come toward him. "How is he??" He asked, trying to keep his voice calm. But he didn't look up. "Not very good.. Oin is doing what he can. But he's not sure how much longer Kili can last." Dis replied, her voice cracked with emotion. Fili winced. That was not what he wanted to hear. "It's all my fault.." Fili murmured, tears streamed down his face. "Fili look at me." Dis said sternly. the young dwarf slowly raised his head up and his icy blue gaze met hers. "This is not your fault Fili. You reacted on pure instinct. Kili should have known better than to sneak up on you like that in the first place." His mother said. Fili had already explained to her what had happened. "I'm his big brother mum. I'm supposed to protect him! Look after him! Not hurt him." Fili said. Dis opened her mouth to reply but she knew this was a fight she would not win. So she left Fili for now and waited for her brother to return home.


Fili had not left his room since he came home. Not for food, not for water, not for anything. He longed for his brother to be sitting next to him talking and laughing like they always did. "It is your fault he is not here. It's your fault he's hurt." He thought bitterly to himself. Then He heard the front door opening and closing.. His uncle had returned home...

AN: Sooooo.. I'm not sure how I feel about this story to be honest. Tell me what you guys think and let me know if you have any suggestions.~Fangirl_central0711

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