Part 66

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It was a chaotic week for both the packs. The head warrior of both packs were trying to gather maximum information about Randall and the two betas were given the responsibility to make a contact with Mark. Valerie and Cayden were conducting multiple meetings with the alphas of the neighboring packs and all of them were shocked after hearing that some of their teenagers were getting targeted by Randall.

All the alphas decided to interrogate their teenagers and they were left in shock when they heard how much information these young adults have given to Randall regarding their packs and the way the werewolves work. They were conducting this interrogation in the open field in no man's land, a large open area present between the Stalwart warrior pack and midnight pack. When the respective alphas asked these teenagers why they provided the crucial information they learned that the hunters were threatening them. The teenagers told them that they were getting blackmailed by those notorious hunters that they will kill either their mate or their family members and that they are under surveillance 24*7. The most vulnerable and weakest of the teenagers were selected, who could be broken down mentally and psychologically.

"How can they know what they are doing all the time?" Valerie asked no one in particular.

All the alphas looked towards each other in confusion, because no one actually had an answer.

"I might have a theory." Charles who accompanied Valerie and Kevin said. Valerie prompted him to continue which he did and said. "I think they have installed microchip in their body."

"But that will not work in a werewolf body." Cayden replied. "We are built that way, any foreign object will get destroyed by our skin."

 What if they knew that thing and somehow they managed to make some sort of chip that is resistant to the werewolf defense system." Charles suggested

"Then how can we check?" One of the alphas asked.

"In my laboratory." Charles replied.

"You can check one of your teenagers then before experimenting on ours."

"I am afraid not. Our teenagers were never captured and the one who was targeted managed to escape." Valerie replied.

"Of course, how can they capture the teenager of Stalwart warrior pack." Jack, one of the alphas replied. "There is no place for weak there."

"Excuse me!" Valerie asked offended. "I train every individual equally and I make sure that my so-called weakest is given more hard training so that they become equal to the strong and can save each other from any harm." She roared.

Jack flinched in fear when Valerie replied to him like a true alpha. Cayden was up in a minute and he started stroking her back to calm her wolf down. Valerie took deep breaths and said calmly. "I am very sensitive for my pack. You all know how much I care for my people. If my people survive whilst yours drown then it is your negligence as an alpha. I command them but I also love them. There is nothing close to torture done to them in my pack as you very clearly implied, Jack. I am helping you all. If you will continue to challenge my authority I will withdraw my services then you can deal with Randall by yourself for all I care."

A look of horror was seen on everyone's face. Jake was regretting opening his mouth, he wanted to rectify his mistake by apologizing but if he will feel sorry he will look weak in front of everyone. But he was saved from the embarrassment when Cayden meddled.

"Ahem." Cayden cleared his throat. "Now if you all agree we can move forward and let Charles help us. I suggest we go to the alpha Valerie's pack.


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