Part 32

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Autumn was reading in the pack library when Alexei entered looking all cheery and happy. When Autumn looked up she found a new sort of excited bounce in his footsteps.

"Quite a cheerful day for you, isn't it?" Autumn asked frustrated as she was not able to find the way to break the bond and time was running out for both herself and her alpha.

Alexei smiled. "You will be too."

Autumn rolled her eyes. "Alexei I am really very busy right now and I seriously don't have time for your childish talks."

"You do know Autumn that you are talking to a three hundred year old Vampire and if I am getting excited that means I have found the solution to your problem."

Autumn closed the book she was reading and sat straight. She looked towards him with deep interest. "Do you mean you have found the solution?"

Alexei smiled and nodded. "It's not the best but it will do for the time being."

"What is it?" Autumn asked with peaked interest.

Alexei placed the ancient book of dark magic on the table and opened the page he was reading and pointed towards the chapter. "According to this book the blood bond can be broken if a new sire bond is formed with the stronger sire than the previous"

Autumn hummed and said "Atleast you have found us something to think about. But it's not exactly a solution Alexei."

Alexei rolled his eyes. "Are you seriously that dumb Autumn? You have Valerie, you have Cayden and then you have me. Make a sire bond with me that will automatically break the bond between Cayden and Valerie."

"No. I can't do that. Alpha Cayden will never agree and nor will Dmitri. Not to forget that Cayden's disliking towards you runs very deep. And I can't risk facing his wrath.

Alexei huffed in irritation and said. "You are seriously quite loyal towards Cayden. Tell me if you have any other plan to combat the situation. The hunters can attack any time and they know that killing one will be killing the two."

Alexei knew he has almost won the argument. He moved a step forward and bending at her eye level said. "Do one thing. Run this idea in front of Valerie and see what she says. If she says yes, we will continue the plan else we will drop it. After all it's her life and his mate's life at stake."

Autumn found this point valid and decided to follow it. So she nodded her head and asked Alexei to accompany her to Valerie's office.


When Alexei and Autumn entered Valerie's office, they found Valerie, Dominic, Jason and Kevin discussing about the security and battle plans. Alexei walked towards the table where the miniature model of Stalwart warrior pack was placed. He pondered deeply and then said. "Leave the south side of the pack for our vampire companions they won't be expecting them there. Dmitri and I will help you in the main battle."

"Are you sure the vampires will help us. Not to be rude or anything but they are known to be quite selfish and this being the problem of werewolves, I don't think they will intervene." Valerie said.

"Trust me on this. I know what I am saying. These hunters are brain washing the newly formed vampires and making them rouge. So this is just not your problem but ours also." Alexei replied. "But." He took a dramatic pause and flopped down on the couch. "This is not the issue we are here for. I was going through some magical books this morning and I happened to find a way out about this blood bond. And  Autumn disagrees on the situation."

"What is the solution?" Valerie asked.

Alexei looked towards Autumn and nudged her to explain. She looked unimpressed towards him but nevertheless decided to explain. "According to the book an old bond can be broken if a new one is formed with a stronger person than the prior."

"So that means the bond between me and Cayden can only be broken if a new bond is formed between me and someone else who is stronger than Cayden." Valerie asked and Autumn nodded.

Before Autumn could say anything Alexei intervened and said. "I asked Autumn to make a bond between you and me but she is reluctant as Cayden does not like me much."

Valerie looked towards Autumn and then towards Alexei. She stood up from her chair and walked towards the window from where the pack grounds were visible. She looked afar and saw a fox hunting a squirrel. She watched the chase of the predator and prey for quite some time and pondered on the situation. When fox eventually killed the squirrel, she stopped looking and turned around.

"I think this is the perfect solution. Cayden does not like Alexei but he is quite fond of Dmitri. So a sire bond between me and him won't bother Cayden."

Alexei who was smiling until now on his victory suddenly looked outraged. He stood up from where he was sitting and asked "Don't you trust me, Valerie?"

"You know that is not true, Alexei. But as Autumn said Cayden won't agree for you but that is not the case with Dmitri." She looked towards her commandments and asked. "Do anyone amongst you have anything to say on this?"

"I think for now this is perfect." Kevin said and Jason nodded.

"My alpha knows best." Dominic replied.

Valerie looked towards Autumn and Alexei and said. "So it is decided then. A new sire bond will be made between Dmitri and me."

Autumn nodded but Alexei was completely different story. He was furious and angry. He closed his hand in a fist to control his rage. His plan was back firing him. He looked towards everyone and then suddenly left the room. With lighting speed he left the pack house and pack boundaries. Once he was in the outskirts, he started punching the trees and destroying his surroundings. His plan backfired very terribly. 

His attraction towards Valerie was now becoming obsession. Suddenly his phone rang and without looking towards it he picked it up.

"Alexei, our meeting with the senator went well. They are ready to give some important posts to the werewolves but with one condition that once the imminent danger has passed the werewolves will leave the designated seats without creating any fuss. I informed the same to Valerie and she agreed."

Alexei, who was already in sour mood rolled his eyes and said sarcastically. "Another problem solved by the great Dmitri."

"What has gotten into you recently? You act childishly and behave like a brat." Dmitri asked in irritation. "Well forget it. I called to inform you that I will have to leave for Russia immediately. The council is demanding my presence as the problem with newly formed rouge vampires is getting out of hands. I don't know how much time it will take but I will try to come back soon."

There was sudden hope and glint in Alexei's eye. "Have you told this to Valerie?" He asked with a sudden chirp in his voice.

"Yes I have. She was quite reluctant. She was asking me to postpone it for a day. I asked about the reason but she said she wanted to take my opinions about battle plans. I think she is lying. She wanted me for some other reason and she is not telling me. She said she will contact me once I am back. Do you know anything about this?" He asked.

Alexei smirked. "No. I don't know."

With new hope and vigor Alexei glided towards the pack house.

"Valerie you will be bonded to me in one way or another and that is a promise " He muttered with a smirk 

Do let me know how was the update. Your comments and votes are appreciated. They are priceless for a writer who sits for hours to pen down their thoughts. Let me know in the comments below, are you liking the way the story is unfolding.   

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