Part 72

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Blood, where ever she looked, she saw blood. Bodies, dead, decapitated, limbs scattered. War is always known to bring destruction, devastation, massacre and demolition. But it was necessary, Valerie knew she will have to pay a bigger price. She saw her soldiers lying dead, lifeless, without souls, some of them as young as eighteen. She knew she will have to bear the consequences but now looking everywhere this was not what she wanted. She should have surrendered herself while she had time, she could have saved so many lives, Valerie thought. She was frozen. In the distance, she could hear the cries, the tearing of flesh and the howls of wolves but for the moment she was unable to move a single limb.

Somebody nudged her hard and yelled. "Now is not the time to freeze." She looked towards the person and saw a bloodied Alexei yelling at him.

"Is this yours?" She pointed out at the blood dripping from his mouth.

"I am a centuries-old vampire, Valerie. You did not just insult me by asking that horrendous question."

She smiled thinking at least Alexei's wit was still alive. Somebody plunged at her, but in the next moment, he was lying dead at her feet.

"I am not going to save your ass for long. Come out of your zone and fight like the mother*ck*r warrior that you are." He said and left to tackle some others. Valerie looked around and thought how peaceful it was a few hours ago and suddenly now everything was chaotic.

It was three thirty in the morning when Valerie heard the siren. She woke up startled, they were under attack. She rushed outside and saw her officers working meticulously arranging everything. Dominic was sending the vulnerable to the safety bunkers while Jason was passing the instructions.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Randall attacked us out of nowhere." He replied.

She was left flabbergasted. How was this possible? Randall wanted them to attack. How did this change in the event occur? She thought, but she knew she did not have the time to think. She had to act like the responsible alpha and save her pack and rescue her sister.

"Make sure the battle takes place in the open grounds. No hunter should be able to approach the main boundaries of the pack house. Jason nodded at his alpha's instructions

"Alpha our first line of defense is breached." One of the soldiers informed her. She was expecting such type of thing to happen.

"Status report on the Mystic moon." Valerie asked.

"Alpha Cayden is defending his borders just like ours. He is also planning to use the common ground for the proper battle.

Valerie ran inside the pack house followed by Jason who was giving her the status report as they rushed inside. Outside the pack house, everything seemed chaotic, everyone was rushing. Children, pregnant women, and older people all were running in a haphazard manner.

"Make sure no child is left outside the bunkers," Valerie ordered. "And where are our vampire guests? Are they getting ready to fight? What about Alexei and Dmitri?"

"Some of the Vampires have left to help Alpha Cayden under the command of Dmitri while Alexei is commanding here at our pack.

"What about Autumn, April and Flora?"

"All stationed at the designated post."

"Kevin and Charles?"

Kevin is commanding at the second line of defense whereas Charles has given us all the blueprints of his strategies and what might help us. And he has been escorted to the safety bunkers."

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