Part 24

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Trigger warning : The second half of the chapter is mature. If you do not wish to read you can skip to next chapter after reading the first half of this one.

"What!" Cayden yelled in surprise. "You never explained that thing to me. You should have told me that before. You asked me to puncture her jugulars like some blood sucking vermin." He said while looking towards Alexei, who just rolled his eyes and snorted.

"I am sorry Alpha but alpha Valerie's wolf was really very weak. I bonded you both in the end when my magical powers were exhausted. The witch that is helping Randall is very powerful. Her magic was really tough to counter. Your mate bond saved alpha Valerie. I have given both of you some potions to calm down your mating hormones, once that wears off I suggest you both maintain a good distance between yourself else both of you will not be able to control your desires to get physical."

They all went silent. No one dared to breathe loudly. Everyone looked towards Valerie terrified awaiting for her wrath which never came.

She sighed and pursued her lips. "He is my mate, I was never going to reject him. Yes I was reluctant to accept him but that was just because of my pack. I will never abandon my pack as alpha and he will never abandon his pack as alpha and we will never abandon each other as mates. So it is better to accept the reality and act accordingly. We will find out the solution for our packs but I won't run away from mate bond. I will accept it and cherish it."

Cayden was smiling like a kid who had gotten his hands on the cookie jar. Kevin was satisfied with her sister's decision and was smiling. Dmitri was standing like a proud parent but Alexei was not looking happy. He was looking towards Cayden in abhorrence. Dmitri noticed this and nudged to ask but he shook his head and quietly left the room. Dmitri kept on looking towards Alexei with worry until he left the room.

"If that is your decision alpha" Autumn continued "then I am not afraid about the potion wearing off from your system." Both Cayden and Valerie avoided making eye contact with each other and looked somewhere else.

"I will leave for my pack in few moments." Cayden replied and an understanding was passed between the duo.

"Kevin let us complete all the work before I leave for my pack so that Valerie can take her position back without any problem and Autumn please find a solution about this blood bond whatever this thing is. Take help from Flora, I don't want to hear this shit about the other one dying and all." He looked towards Kevin and gestured him to follow.

Once they were out of room Dmitri walked towards Valerie's bed and sat beside her. He held her hand in his and said in a very caring tone. "I know I intervened between you and Cayden in a wrong way but my intentions were not inappropriate."

"I know." She replied. "And I over reacted. Having alpha genes sucks." They both laughed. "Ones ego gets so big that one forget to think with a clear head." She continued. "I was acting adamant and stubborn. I think it's time I start working with Cayden and stop acting against him. Poor chap must be wondering what he did to get a mate like me." She snorted and giggled. Dmitri patted her hand. "Everything will be alright. Get rest. You are back on duty from tomorrow onwards."

Valerie nodded and laid down. "Lock the door from outside. I need a peaceful slumber before I plan on killings those bastards." Dmitri nodded and left.

A pleasant smell caused Valerie to wake up for the second time. She inhaled deeply and found the mode of fragrance was standing outside the door. She was about to get up when the door opened and person standing entered the thresh hold of the door. It was Cayden, who was also hit by a pleasurable smell that caused a sudden testosterone rush in him and he wanted to tear off Valerie clothes and ravish her. But with utmost difficulty he controlled his desire and took a deep breath.

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