Part 37

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The news of attack on Stalwart warrior pack spread like a wildfire. The neighboring packs were worried and anxious. As Valerie dreaded the alphas of smaller packs were frightened and questioning about their safety as the strongest of the pack was attacked so easily. They doubted Valerie's safety techniques for her pack and were questioning her authority as alpha. Her beta Jason was explaining about the situation to them. He was busy since morning taking calls or personally meeting the officials of the neighboring packs.

Alexei who was called by the council on the particular day of attack got a call from Kevin next morning and he explained the whole situation to him. Alexei immediately made some excuses and left to meet Valerie.

Cayden ordered his trackers to find about the mole that was providing the information. He did not discuss about this with his beta, Ryder or warrior head Scarlett. He wanted it to be as confidential as possible. Hence he himself selected his two best trackers and sent them. He even did not inform Valerie about this, whose trackers were hell bent in finding about the mole at any cost.

Autumn was once again working on putting protective spells around the pack boundary. She had stopped putting protective spells around pack on her alpha's order a week ago when they came to know about the mole. Valerie told her to pretend like she is working on those spells falsely and to not actually do it. Valerie asked her not to tell about this to anyone. Valerie thought her pack will be safe because the mole will think that their pack is protected by spells and that person will inform the hunters about that and they won't think of attacking.

Just day before yesterday Valerie asked Autumn to deliberately spread the news that they are no longer putting any spells and as thought by Valerie they got attacked by the hunters. It confirmed the fact that the person who is informing to hunters and betraying the pack is someone from inside.

On the orders of Valerie, Genesis was escorted everywhere by Jason. Jason was Genesis's mate and she will feel calm in his presence and he will do anything in his power to protect her. Jennifer, Valerie's mother was escorted everywhere she went by two best warriors of her pack. She even made sure that when Charles land on the airport he must be escorted by Dominic himself and some warriors for his safety. She did not want to take any chance when it comes to her family.

Valerie and Cayden had decided not to vacate their post as alpha and to keep in contact with the phone. She had asked Flora to seer for her using her runes. But till now Flora was unable to see anything. When Valerie informed Cayden this, he decided to help her and asked his oracle April to seer. But she too just like Flora was unable to see anything. It was like the moon goddess was not ready to show anything to them leaving both the alphas disappointed.


Cayden's father Jack came inside the pack office without prior information. When he entered, he found a much tensed Cayden sitting behind the desk and talking with someone on phone. He sat in front of him on the opposite side of the desk. He looked at his son and thought that he used to sit too on that chair few years back and knew how the responsibilities can torture your inner peace. He could easily understand Cayden's restlessness and stress.

Once Cayden finished talking he looked towards his father and said. "I am sorry, I kept you waiting but I was in touch with my trackers."

"I understand. That is the reason I am here." Jack replied. Cayden looked in confusion towards him and he continued. "Make an announcement that you and Valerie are merging packs and that both of you have decided to get married."

"I still don't understand why you are asking me to do this." Cayden asked bewildered.

Jack smiled. "This news will cause turmoil in the both packs as well as in the mind of that mole and they will do something errounous that they will regret and we can possibly find out the culprit once they had committed the blunder of any sort."

Cayden beamed and nodded. He thanked his father and decided to discuss it with Valerie.

On the other hand Valerie was discussing something with Jason in her office when Alexei entered. When she saw him she rushed towards him like a child and embraced him. Alexei returned the gesture. She felt a sudden calmness in her body and a sensation that everything will be sorted out.

Jason was  looking in confusion but he did not comment.

"Everything will get sorted out." Alexei said and Valerie felt reassured.

She looked towards Alexei and smiled. "When is Dmitri coming back?" she asked while detangling herself from him.

"Maybe, day after tomorrow." He replied. "Now tell me what are you planning on doing?"

Valerie explained everything that she has done since morning and what are her further plans. Alexei was satisfied and nodded.

"I will go and talk to Dmitri and see what he can do."

Once he was out of hearing range Jason asked. "Val, don't get me wrong but I have never saw you behave like this. I mean the way you ran towards him and the way you smiled. For once I thought you saw Cayden. That kind of reaction is seen amongst mates. I am just saying this as your friend."

Valerie looked towards him in confusion and thought about it. Did she actually behaved like that? And why was she so excited and in glee after seeing Alexei?  She let go of it for now and asked Jason to see if Flora managed to seer anything. Jason obliged and left but did not point the fact that she has not replied to his query.

On the other hand Cayden called Valerie and discussed with her what his father had suggested. She agreed that the plan was quite luring for the person who was deceiving them, so she agreed to go with it.

When second time Alexei entered the office, Valerie was engrossed studying the map of her pack.

"I have talked to Dmitri." He started and Valerie looked up and saw him standing there looking so handsome and delicious. She shook her head. What the hell am I thinking she thought and reprimanded herself. How can she find Alexei attractive when she has got a mate?

"He said that the head council in Russia is also worried about the hunters. They are misguiding the newly formed vampires." When Alexei saw Valerie behaving oddly he asked her. "Are you even listening to what I am saying, Valerie?"

"Huh?" Valerie asked confused. "Oh, yes I heard what you said. I was just thinking something."

And then she looked up and for the first time she saw the features that Alexei had. He had very sharp defined features that enhanced his personality. He was a handsome specimen. Alexei saw the way Valerie was looking towards him and smirked.

"Is there anything you find alluring?" He asked.

"Yes" Valerie whispered in some kind of trance. She shook herself  and yelled a no. She cleared her throat and replied calmly. "I mean no. I was just admiring your coat."

"Really?" He smirked. "Go on then." He walked few steps towards her and minimized the distance between himself and her. Valerie took a sniff and found herself getting attracted towards him.

"I..I.." She stuttered.

"Shh.." Alexei placed a finger on her lips and Valerie felt electricity in her body. The next moment Alexei minimised the distance between them. He placed his lips on hers and kissed her. Valerie moaned and grasped him from his hair and deepened the kiss. In that moment she forgot about the mole, she forgot about the attack and she forgot about Cayden.

Dun.. dun.. dun.. 

A freaking twist which majority of you won't like. ;) :D

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