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"Is that the best you can do?"
I say as I watch Shuichi struggle to do his Push-ups. Though we're no longer at the academy for gifted juveniles, we still make sure to do our training every night.
"It's not... my fault... you're so fast..."
He replied as he slowly continues his training.
"Well I would've expected you to be faster at this point." After a few minutes he stopped and sat up. "I'm doing more then Kaito would've atleast," He chuckled. I looked down at the grass. I hate to admit it, but I still haven't gotten over Kaito's death. I don't think I ever will if I'm honest with myself. "Maki...?" Shuichi asked, and I snapped back into reality.
"Yeah?" "Is something wrong?" "No, I just sorta zoned out" Suddenly, it started raining. "We should get inside" Shuichi decides, putting his jacket back on. "But you haven't finished your push-ups!" I reply, watching him stand up. "Maki it's raining, we'll catch a cold if we stay out here" I roll my eyes "That's hardly an excuse" "Come on, it's getting late anyway" He looks at me. I sigh. "Fine, but you have to finish tonight's training aswell tomorrow." Shuichi grinned "Alright, whatever you say." I stand up and head inside with him.

When we make it into our cramped motel room, we're greeted by Himiko, who was reading a book. She looks up at us. "Welcome back" she says, putting the book on one of the beds. She ran over and gave us a hug. "Hey Himiko" Shuichi says, awkwardly removing himself from the hug. "How was training?" Himiko asked, noticing we were soaked. "Well someone didn't do all his push-ups!" I say, glaring at Shuichi. "It was fine, though we had to cut it short due to the rain" he replies, ignoring my remark. "That storm seems pretty instense," Himiko says as she walks over to the window. We heard a crack of lightning. "It must've been summoned by a high class mage such as myself"

 "It must've been summoned by a high class mage such as myself"

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Shuichi yawns. "I'm going to hit the hay, Goodnight you two" "goodnight" I respond, sitting down in the armchair next to the bathroom door. Himiko stretches her arms. "I guess I should get some rest aswell" she says, flopping onto one of the beds. Shuichi turns off the lights before climbing into the other bed. The motel room only had two beds, so one of us had to sleep on the chair each night. It was my turn tonight. I eventually managed to find a comfortable position before finally feeling my eyes droop.

The next day...

Once I was done brushing my teeth I left the bathroom to see Shuichi and Himiko waiting. "Ah Maki!" Shuichi began, smiling, "We were planning on going on a walk, would you like to join us?" "...Oh sure" I reply, tying my hair into two ponytails. "I'm ready if you are." Himiko turns to the door. "Nyeh... let's go then" She holds the door open for us as we leave. A walk seems like a good idea.

The mud squelched beneath our feet as we strolled through the woods. A few trees were tipped over after they were presumably struck by lightning. It was so peaceful compared to last night's weather. "Be careful" Shuichi warned, "A branch could've come loose during the storm" just as he said that, we heard a loud crack from above us. A large branch had snapped off and was falling..... right above Himiko! "Himiko watch out!" I yell. I quickly leapt forward, shoving her out of the way. "Maki!!!" Shuichi yelled. Everything went black.

That's the end of the prologue! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed! This is my first time publishing something on Wattpad, so this is all a bit confusing to me 😅 I hope you have a good day/night!

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