5. A Night To Remember

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(Tw - pink blood)

This isn't good. The bears have me surrounded, and I doubt Daisy is fast enough to escape them. As the bears close in on me, I squeeze my eyes shut as I wait for the inevitable. ...Why aren't they killing me? I slowly open my eyes to see something I wasn't expecting. The bears are bleeding from their necks, and seem to be dead. There's a tall figure in front of me holding a bloody sword.

 There's a tall figure in front of me holding a bloody sword

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"Gonta??" I exclaim incredulously. Gonta turns to me. "Are you okay???" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine- how did you know where to find me??" I ask. He smiles "Gonta got worried when you took longer than Shirogane normally would, so Gonta came to make sure you were okay! It's a good thing he did because those bears looked hungry." I take a few minutes to process what he said. He went out of his way to make sure I was okay... no one's ever done that for me... well no one except- "Shall we get going?" Gonta asks. "Oh right- thank you Gonta" I say, snapping back into reality. He smiled as we made our way back to the village.

"Thank you Gonta" I say once we're at the North gate. "No problem! Gonta is glad he could help!" Gonta says with a bow. I smile before walking off. I return Daisy to Rantaro before entering Tsumugi's Shop. "Sorry I'm late" I say, placing the fabrics on the counter. "I was starting to think you weren't coming back!" Tsumugi says, putting the fabrics in a drawer. "I guess it's time to uphold my end of the deal huh?" She says as she makes her way to a back room, gesturing for me to follow. This room has even more dresses than the one I was just in, and a tall rectangular mirror with a wooden frame. There's a small clock on the wall. Tsumugi walks over to some dresses and takes a dark red ballgown off its hanger before walking back over and handing it to me. "This one would look great on you, I'm sure of it!" She says happily. I look at the dress "Are you sure?" "Yep!" Tsumugi says. She leaves to let me change.

After putting on the dress, I turn to look at myself in the mirror. I look alright... Good enough for a ball I guess.

Tsumugi walks back in and looks me up and down

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Tsumugi walks back in and looks me up and down. "You look stunning!" She says with a huge grin. "I knew it would suit you!" I can feel my cheeks heating up as I awkwardly stare at the ground. "I guess I should thank you for lending me this..." "No problem!" Tsumugi interjects "I really appreciate you buying the fabrics for me!" I look at the clock. Ten minutes until nine. "I should get going" I say "Thank you again" "Have fun!" Tsumugi waves as I leave the shop.

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