3. An Invitation

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As I make my way through the village unsure of my destination, I can't help but notice the buzzing atmosphere among the townsfolk. Everyone seems to be excited about something. As I focus more on them, I realise most of them have pieces of paper in their hands, are they flyers for something? Once I make my way to a street corner, I notice the source of these pages.

A maiden with blonde hair and magenta eyes is handing them out to anyone who'll pay attention to her. She's wearing a pink gown, which is much more formal than what most people I've seen were wearing. As I approach her she gives me the same warm smile she's always given everyone.

 As I approach her she gives me the same warm smile she's always given everyone

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"Good morning!" She says as she hands me one of the pages. "What's this?" I ask wearily. "An invitation!" She replies in a sing-songy tone. "A ball is being held at the castle tonight in honour of our newly-crowned king!" I inspect the invitation, a tiny wave of curiousity washing over me. But then I remember I have to be back at Himiko's place by midnight, so a ball probably wouldn't be the smartest move. "Sorry, I'm not sure where the castle is, and I have to be somewhere at midnight anyway-" I begin as I start to hand the invitation back to her, but she cuts me off. "Oh don't worry about that! You'll be able to have loads of fun before then! And I can take you there if you're afraid of getting lost!" Before I once again refuse her offer, I pause. I've never been to any form of party before, well besides the small birthday parties held for the younger children at the orphanage, which weren't much. I guess it wouldn't hurt to Atleast see what it's like.. and besides, Kaede said that I'd have loads of time there before midnight. So even though the Assasin in me told me not to, I simply respond with "Alright then, I'll come." I didn't think it was possible, but Kaede somehow managed to give me an even bigger grin than the one she had before. "Great!" She says ecstatically, giving me a tight hug. "Meet me back here at 9, and be sure to wear something formal!"

I wave to her as I left, right before a sudden realisation hit me. Where the heck am I supposed to get something formal? It's not like I had any money or something to trade. Maybe I should just tell Kaede I can't go and find something else to do..

My train of thought comes to a halt as a certain store catches my attention. Two mannequins stood in the front window wearing long, extravagant gowns. They seemed to be hand-sewn perfectly and made from some of the finest of fabrics. A sign hung above the door which read "Shirogane Dressmaking". I take a look at the silver door handle. Should I go in? I probably shouldn't, seeing as I wouldn't be able to afford anything, and based on the name, this store belongs to her. But something inside me told me to go in anyway, so I turn the handle.

I hear a small ding as I open the door, and take a look around. The walls are painted brown, a pretty plain colour compared to everything else in the store. Dresses in every colour of the rainbow are hanging from clothing racks on each end of the room, and a red and gold rug takes up most of the floor. Behind the wooden counter is a figure with long, blue hair, who seems to be pinning fabrics together to make a purple dress. She spins around to see who came in, and her eyes land on me.

"Oh hello there!" She says, adjusting her glasses

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"Oh hello there!" She says, adjusting her glasses. As I look at the mastermind of the 53rd killing game, I wonder if I should just leave. "Are you interested in making a purchase?" She asks, sticking a spare pin into a pink pin-cushion. "Oh, no, sorry" I explain, taking a step towards the door. "I can't really afford anything here, I just wanted to take a look-"Tsumugi notices the invitation in my hand, and then looks me up and down. "Hmm... If you want I can lend you a dress, free of charge! All I need is for you to run a quick errand for me" I blink in surprise. "What- really?" I ask. I was expecting her to be cold, like she was after revealing herself, but here she is, willing to let me borrow one of her gowns. "Mhm! I'm in need of more fabric, but I'm too busy to leave the shop!" She bends down behind the counter, and comes up with a map, some coins, and two pieces of paper. She points to a spot on the map. "This town has a small marketplace, go to the third stall to the right and hand him this" she motions to one of the sheets of paper, which seemed to be a list of supplies. "Tell him Shirogane sent you" She takes out a pen and starts writing on the other page. "What's your name?" "Harukawa Maki" I say. She quickly writes that down on what I can now see is an entry permit. I should remember not to lose that. Tsumugi then hands the items to me. "Good luck Harukawa!" She says with a small wave. I wave back as I leave the store.

I take a better look at the map now that I was out in the sunshine. The town I needed to get to seemed relatively far... I jump as I feel a light tap on my back. I shoot around to see Rantaro standing there. "Hey there" He says, scratching the back of his neck. "I just wanted to say thank you for earlier, you're truly a lifesaver!" "Uhh sure no problem..." I say. "Is there any way I can repay you?" He asks. I'm about to decline before looking back down at the map, and then back up at him. "Actually, I have a favour to ask of you." I say, "What do you need?" He asks. "I have a small errand to run in the next town over, but I have no method of transportation. Would you mind if I borrow your horse?" "My horse..?" He asks, nervously looking between me and the horse. "I completely understand if not- it's a lot of me to ask-" he smiled softly and shook his head "No, I guess it's the least I can do after you spared me a day of arguing with Tenko." He pets the horse before handing me the reigns. "Just promise not to hurt her." He says firmly. I nod. "Of course not" "good" he seems to trust me. "Her name is Daisy" "Daisy" I repeat as I look at her. "Cute name" Rantaro grins as I hop onto her back and trot off. This place doesn't seem so bad...

The quickest route to the village is through the North gate, meaning I won't be meeting Tenko on my way out, but another, more gentle knight...

A tall, green-haired figure in armour that matched Tenko's waves as I approach the gate. "Good afternoon!" Gonta says with a small bow. "Good afternoon" I reply, smiling a bit upon seeing Gonta again. "Where are you off to today?" He asks. "I'm travelling to a nearby town to get materials for Shirogane" I explain. "Ah, Gonta understands" he said with a nod. "What is your name?" He asks in a talkative manner. "Maki" I respond. "Good luck Maki!" He says cheerfully as I trot through the gate. "You too!" I reply as I begin my journey through the forest...

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