2. A Witch's Distress

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Knock Knock Knock

I patiently wait in front of the small cobblestone cottage situated near the border surrounding the village. "Atua tells me that the witch that lives there will be able to help you!" Is what Angie told me. The cottage is surrounded by trees, isolating it from the rest of the village. The front door is made out of a dark wood, with a metal ring for the handle. Once the door is open I lock eyes with a familiar red-headed magician.

"What do you want?" Himiko asks. She seems to be in a bad mood. "Angie told me you could help me" I answer. she pauses. "...Come in," she says, taking a step back. I follow her into her home, and take a good look around. It's pretty dark, but I can see shelves lining the walls, stocked with bottles filled of who knows what. In the middle of the room was a black cauldron, brimming with a purple liquid. I figure she was working on whatever was in there before I showed up. She sits down on a small ruby-coloured seat in the corner of the room before looking up at me. "What do you need?"

After explaining my situation, she puts her hand to her chin. "Nyeh.... portal magic is reaaally tricky, and drains a lot of my mana. So no thanks." I'm shocked, is she seriously just going to shut me down like that? "What? No you have to! I can't stay here forever! I'll do anything-" suddenly she cut me off. "Anything..?" She asks, slowly standing up. "Yes, anything" I repeat, a bit nervous of what she's going to ask of me. She stands in silence for a moment, before giving her request.
"...A friend" she says. "What?" "I'm lonely" she explains, putting a hand to her chest.

"You mean you don't have any friends?" I ask"Well there's Angie," She says "but she's usually pretty occupied being the 'vessel of Atua'

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"You mean you don't have any friends?" I ask
"Well there's Angie," She says "but she's usually pretty occupied being the 'vessel of Atua'. She's very important, you know. Nobody ever comes to visit me..." I don't respond for a moment. Everyone seemed so happy here, I had forgotten that though I'm in a different world, the people in it still had their own problems to deal with. I sigh. "...If I find you a friend, will you take me home?" She nods. "Mhm, it would mean a lot to me." "I'll see what I can do.." I say, leaving the cottage. "I hope to see you again soon" Himiko says, waving to me as I softly close the door.

I take a deep breath and look around outside. I begin to make my way along the wall that protects the village. How am I supposed to find a friend for Himiko? Surely no one will just follow me to her cottage just because I ask them to. My thoughts are cut short to the sound of people as I approach the South Gate. "You can't come in you degenerate." I hear one of them say. Hm, maybe this will be easier then I thought...

I make my way over to see a guard and a traveler, both of whom I recognised immediately. "Come on Tenko! I've been here many times before, I'm not a threat!" Rantaro pleads. He's holding the reigns of a horse. "No permit, no entry" Tenko says, putting her hand on her hips. She was staring daggers at Rantaro. "I swear I had one, but I must've dropped it on my way here!" "Why should I believe a single word you're saying?"

 "I swear I had one, but I must've dropped it on my way here!" "Why should I believe a single word you're saying?"

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"Because you've literally let me in 100 times before!"

Before the conversation gets heated, I decide to intervene. "Excuse me..?" I say as I approach them. They both turn to me. "Good afternoon ma'am!" Tenko says, giving me a small curtsy. "Are you lost?" "Oh no," I respond "I just heard what seemed to be an argument and was wondering what was happening." Tenko crossed her arms "This degenerate thinks he can come in here without a permit!" She exclaims. Rantaro lets out an irritated sigh. "I had a permit, I just lost it! And come on, we're friends! Can't you just let me in?" "That's not my problem bud" Tenko says, examining her nails. I look between the two, before turning to Tenko. "What if we make a deal?"

"A deal?" Tenko asked. "To let him in" I elaborate. Rantaro raises an eyebrow. "What are you offering?" Tenko asks "And I don't take money." I pause. What I'm about to say might go horribly, but I guess it's a chance I'm willing to take. "Do you know Himiko Yumeno?" Tenko is taken off guard as her cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "The witch that lives on the edge of the village?" "Mhm," I say "How about I introduce you two?" I hold my breath. Please work. "You know her? Like know know her?" I nod. "I think you two would get along great" I say, remembering how much Tenko meant to Himiko. Tenko considers my offer. "Fine, but if this is some sort of trick I'm kicking him out again." "Fair" I say, holding out my hand. She shakes it before taking a step back and looking at Rantaro. "This is a one time thing." Rantaro is visibly shocked. "Thank you Tenko!" "Yeah yeah, now hurry up before I change my mind!" Rantaro hops onto his horse and smiles at me before trotting off to the village. Tenko turns back to me. "Now, time for you to do your end of the deal."

Tenko hums softly as we make our way back to Himiko's cottage. "...So how do you know miss Yumeno?" She asks. "...It's complicated" I reply. "Hm..." She seems excited.

I once again find myself knocking on Himiko's door. "Angie is that you-" the witch says as she opens the door. Her eyes widen when she realises it's us. "Maki? You're back already?" "Yup" I say, gesturing to Tenko. "Himiko, meet Tenko, and Tenko, meet Himiko." Tenko waves excitedly. "Hey there Himiko!" "Nyeh... hello..." Himiko says, blinking a few times. "Come in you two" We all file into Himiko's home once again, and she makes some tea.

"I've heard a lot of great things about you!" Tenko says, she has a huge grin plastered across her face. Himiko blushes a little. "I'm flattered" she responds in her usual dull tone. I'm starting to get impatient as they chat. Finally after a while Tenko says "I should get back to guarding the gate, I hope we can talk again Himiko!" "That would be nice...." She replies. Once Tenko's gone, I turn back to Himiko. "So?" A tiny smile appears on her face. "She was nice" I nod "Now, can you take me home?" "Mmmm I guess I have to..." Himiko says, standing up and opening her spell book. "The items needed for this are pretty tricky to come across, so it might take some time.." she says as she reads a page from the book. "...How long are we talking?" Is ask. "...I think I'll have it ready tonight" she explains, "I'll be casting it at midnight, but I'm not sure how long I can keep it open for, so don't be late." She yawns. "Goodbye now." She opens the door for me as I leave.

"Well that's my way home sorted.." I say to no one in particular as I walk back towards the village. Now I just gotta figure out what to do until midnight....

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