Chapter Eight (Henry)

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Driving as swiftly as I could without attracting human attention, I rendezvoused with David and Lawrence. They had stopped at a small town only a few hours away in Wolf territory.

"What are we doing here? Why have we stopped?" I asked, impatient and annoyed by the delay.

"Oh. Hello Henry. How are you this morning?" Lawrence said sarcastically. I growled at him. "Henry, just because your mate is missing, doesn't mean you have to abandon your manners."

"Where is she?" I roared, having no tolerance for Lawrences games.

David looked ill as he said, "We think she has gone into Alpha Alex's territory."

"What? Why would she do that?" I was baffled. There were no significant towns in Alex's territory. It didn't make sense that they would hide in a backwater so close to Vampire territory.

David licked his lips, and he was obviously scared to tell me. "Alpha Alex is Charlie's father."

For a moment, I was too shocked to breathe. Then fury overtook me. "My mate has a bastard child with a dog?" My father was going to love that. "How am I only discovering this now? Lawrence, you were supposed to look into her."

"We only just worked it out. David has never met Alpha Alex and had no idea that the Alex he knew was a wolf. We only just put two and two together when we realised she entered his territory." Lawrence explained. 

"She doesn't see Alex," David added. "I have a feeling she has only just found out what he is."

I ground my teeth. I could feel her. She wasn't too far away. Without even knowing consciously what I did, I called to her. I felt her recognise the Pull and she tried to shut me down. No, my Little Fawn, hiding with Wolves won't keep me away.

"I'm going to get her," I said.

Lawrence grabbed my arm. "You can't go into Wolf territory uninvited and unannounced."

"Watch me," I countered. I took off on foot at my fasted day time speed down the unsealed road to Alpha Alex's community.

As I ran, I tried to keep my Lust under control, but it proved impossible. I felt its rise within me with each step I took closer to her. I tried to use Legens to see her thoughts, but surprisingly she was guarding or hiding her thoughts from me. I wonder how she learned to do that. Perhaps I shouldn't be so angry with Lawrence and David. If she could keep me out, she certainly could have kept them out.

I searched for other minds, and I found Alex's. I stumbled, my balance put off by what I saw in his mind, and I roared with anger. He was placing silver bracelets on my Inamorata. He was helping her. There was a part deep within me that was thankful he was kind to her, but I was also furious that he stuck his nose in my business.

Then I saw my Little Fawn pull her pants down, and I stopped moving. Flashing in Alex's mind was the two of them engaged in mating. I saw her beautiful, flushed face beneath him, her hands on his neck. She pulled him towards her and I felt her kisses in his mind. Then it was gone, but her lush, creamy thighs were bare to him, and he was placing more silver on her.

My thoughts were murderous. I saw rivers of blood flow from Alex in my mind. I longed to rip his limbs from his body and drink from his skull as my ancestors had done. I fled from his mind before my fury let him know I was there. How dare he touch her? I could see his house now and charged towards his door. I concentrated on gaining control of my Lust. I didn't want to have to kill him and complicate our relationship with the Wolves further.

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