Chapter Twenty-One (Rowena)

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Henry's home was an actual Castle. Like an ancient, brick castle. I almost laughed at how cliche it was. Redbrick, and gothic in style, it loomed large with towers, and it had a large walled fence. Short ramparts were around the main building and a large courtyard in the centre. The gates were raised as we approached and Henry drove straight in, followed by Lawrence and the others in the car behind.

Stopping in the courtyard, Henry parked and held my hand, putting his finger under my chin he said, "Kiss me, quickly."

I did and he let out a tiny moan as he held the kiss a moment longer. Pulling away he said, "You'll be fine Fawn, we will go straight to our apartments and prepare. We will have the ceremony as quickly as possible before anything can go wrong." He smiled reassuringly. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he said, "Let's go."

We got out of the car and held hands as we made our way to the guards at the door and were quickly flanked by David and Lawrence and followed by Felix and Angelica. The guards, dressed in modern tactical equipment, looked anachronistic. I worried that they will stop us, but they bowed to Henry and opened the doors. I let out my held breath, we had passed our first obstacle. Now, to get to his rooms.

We walked down a hallway with beautiful vaulted ceilings white with exposed red beams. The walls were fairly plain compared to the opulence of Lawrence's palace. This was a defensive home and built not for beauty. However lush tapestries decorated the walls and gilded mirrors hung, but there was little art. At our feet was a stone floor covered with wool carpet.

We walked going around the labyrinth turning corners until we reached another set of guards. They stood at attention as Henry approached and bowed deeply. Henry addressed the men by name, "Dante, Ash."

"Your Highness." They replied standing at attention.

"Have my rooms been secure? Any breaches?" He asked. These must be his personal men, I doubted he would trust his father's men like this.

One of them glanced at Henry's hand in mine, before replying, "Once we heard the rumours we ensured we had extra vigilance, you will find Leopold and Min in your apartments."

Henry nodded, "Well thought out Dante. I knew I promoted you for a reason." Dante was Jane's mate and from what Henry told me about them, they would be older than him by 500 years or more. Dante preened at his words, standing slightly straighter. I cringed at the implications of that, these men loved Henry as their Prince and wanted his approval despite the massive age gap.

"Is Jane around?" Henry asked.

"Inside," Dante replied.

"Good, that will be all. I will send Leo and Min out. Don't send them away though, I will require you and Min to accompany us to the ceremony. I assume my father is in court."

"Yes, Highness."

"We will leave shortly then."

Dante and Ash opened the doors for us and we proceeded into Henry's rooms. We entered a large sitting room that had several doors leading off. The room was much more modern than the hallways with modern technologies like a computer at a desk and a television.

I was surprised to find that one of the guards inside was a woman. Henry must really mean what he said about wanting to elevate women's role in Vampire society. Henry addressed both by name and introduced me to Min specifically. He had told me that I wasn't to be introduced to anyone before the ceremony but he was making an exception for Min.

"Fawn, this is Min," he said to me, "Min, this is my Inamorata." She bowed deeply to me and I didn't know where to look, uncomfortable by the behaviour. Addressing Min and myself, Henry said, "With both of your permission, I would like to assign you, Min, Eliza and Willow to be her guards." To me, he said, "You will need female guards because there are some areas of the castle that are female only spaces." To all of us, he said, "Hopefully things will change soon, but I want you to know Min, that I trust you to protect her. Not just because it has to be a woman. Your skills are enough that you are amongst my most valued guards."

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