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[lowkey cried when I wrote this chapter.]

"It's over, Darling

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"It's over, Darling."

Roses dorm was being barged into.

She was wailing out on pain, clasping her legs together trying to hurt him somehow but nothing seemed to work. Her core was burning, it didn't even feel like she was here anymore.

Her loss of breathe was causing her to go dizzy, from crying so hard. But suddenly he was being physically pulled out of her and she screamed out in pain at that. Her body was shaking, and it was not out of pleasure.

It was pain.

But when she looked to her left she saw Mr. Malfoy on top of-Mr. Malfoy?

Rose was instantly confused, and she was trying to find some way to sooth the ache in her core but she couldn't. When she moved, all she felt was blood drip out of her, and she didn't even want to look down there.


There was so much shouting, and - hitting. Someone was being hit, she knew that much but her body wouldn't let her move anymore. Her core burned, and it burned. She felt like somebody was sticking a needle inside of her.

She mustered up the strength to pull a cover over her bare body that was almost completely limp. This was worse- so much worse than last time. Mr. Malfoys size was so much bigger than Flynn's.

And suddenly it all connected in her mind when she thought about.

She looked up, with barely enough strength, to see a body laid limp on the floor with blood all over there face. Flynn. He no longer looked like Mr. Malfoy, and when she looked to her right she saw that the real Draco, was grabbing a wash cloth in her bathroom.

But she couldn't help but sob.

Her body had been violated- again. She felt helpless, there was nothing she could do she tried- but that's the down part about magic. And she hated it.

When she let out a sob into her sheets, crumpling her body up and wanting the ache to go away.

"Hey hey," she heard a mere whisper right next to her head. "It's okay it over now- please stop crying-."

She couldn't.

How could she recover from this? How does she remove his touch from her body again?

"Please let me touch you- let me clean you up Rose it's me. Draco. Not him." He assured her and she was so tired that she couldn't even speak.

So she barely nodded, and he gently pulled back her covers. When she heard him say Holy fuck, under his breathe she let another tear out of her eye.

But Draco had never dealt with any of this before. He had never seen someone in so much pain, but he certainly didn't want to kill anybody for her like anybody else. Seeing her like this made his anger course through his veins.

When he was wiping her down so softly she was crying out in pain again.

"It aches-." She choked up. "Please make it stop burning!"

Dracos heart physically hurt at her words. He didn't know how else he was supposed to clean up the blood without hurting her and if he could, he would've instantly took her pain away and inflicted it upon himself and he wouldn't have even thought twice about it.

When he was finally done cleaning her up, he was hesitant before making his next move. But he did it anyways- if she told him to get off he would. He gently scooped her up in his arms, and she was gripping his arms instantly sobbing into his chest. Her legs ached.

He rubbed her back soothingly and whispered sweet nothings into your ear.

"It's over, Darling."

"I promise you'll never see him again."

"Your okay, I'm here."

And surprisingly her sobs slowly stopped. He touched a warm place in her heart, and she didn't know how he managed to do it but he had spoken the right words for her to hear.

So she slowly leaned into his chest a little more, and when he looked down at her she looked up at him. "Rose I- I swear I would never hurt you." He choked up.

Seeing her like this made a sick feeling in his stomach appear. He didn't like this at all.

"It hurts, Draco. It always burned until you came." She admitted. She didn't know why she was sitting here telling him that he was reason her skin stopped aching when he had touched her. "You took it away- and I- I tried so hard to not let him touch me." She whimpered.

The burn between her legs still hadn't gone away yet. She wanted it to stop, she wanted the pain to go away.

"Don't ever think that it was your fault." He pulled a stern look, and tightened her grip on her. "I told you not to treat your body like it owes you something, Rose. I meant that."

"You need to stop treating your body like it owes you something."

His words replayed in her head and when he gripped her chin making her look at him in the eyes she stared deeply into his silver hues. "You drink. You get high. You use drugs to remove the memory of it-and I get that. But your harming yourself. Those scars in between your thighs shouldn't be there. Your body isn't an object, and the way it got treated like it was- it wasn't right." He spoke so gently yet so sharply. "But you need to stop treating it like it's obligated to remove his touch. You can't force it out of your mind, Rose. Your never going to be able to do that unless someone obliviates you. So stop. Don't think that I didn't pay attention to those self healed scars on your thighs."

His words touched her deeply.

They shouldn't have meant so much to her but he was right. She was treating her body like it was it's fault for being treated like that. And she knew that her body didn't deserve it, but she had thought that she did.

She was so fixated on blaming herself. She thought that if she was strong enough, she would've been able to stop him. She would've been able to get away in time if she had run faster.

But Rose knew that it shouldn't have to be like that.

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