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[i present to you..


"It was out of anger-

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"It was out of anger-."

Rose felt like she was about to cry.

It had been two weeks since she felt Dracos touch and when she finally did he had to leave again. She didn't know how long she had been sitting here, but she really hoped that he was getting Flynn out of this school.

So she sat on her bed, after changing into some pajama plaid pants, she ate some jellybeans. She still had his shirt on and that made her eyes want to dwell in tears but she held it back because she was trying not to sob.

She plopped another jellybean in her mouth, and looked around her empty room, and she fought the urge to cut herself again.

The razors are right there.

I could do it.

But he healed your scars, Rose.

What if he doesn't come back to hold me?

You shouldn't think like that.

I can't help it.

She let out a huge huff. And now she was on her feet, grabbing the razors and tossing them in her trash can. I don't need to do it, she kept telling herself and her feet carried her back to her bed, and kept eating her jelly beans.

The jelly beans that he gave her.

When Roses door was opening, she was gripping the sheets in fear. The thought that it wasn't Draco scared the living hell out of her, and she wouldn't hesitate to grab those razors back out and start cutting Flynn wit them if he tried to hurt her again.

But then she saw a hint of blonde hair slide in the dorm, his back towards Rose and when he shut the door gently he was turning around to face her. And his face wanted to light up at the sight in front of him.

Roses knees to her chest, the bag of jellybeans in her hands and his large shirt covering her like it was about to swallow her whole. Her curls layed on her back so elegantly, and her eyelashes fluttered up at him making his heart swell. He was in love with everything about her.

"I think- we should talk." Draco mumbled in the softest voice she had ever heard him speak. "He's gone, by the way. I paid someone to take him to a mental hospital."

"But he's not mental," Rose mumbled gently, confusion in her tone.

"That's the point." He stated back, and when he took a step closer to her his heart only grew with desperation to hold her so close to him. To block out everything that she had been through. "Rose I didn't mean it. It was out of anger-."

"I told Louis about us." She cut him off and looked at him, setting the bag of jellybeans down and watched his face slightly fall. "He said he wouldve backed off if you wanted him too. You just- You need to understand that Louis was the one who helped me cope after what happen Draco. He's the one who found me and for that, I don't think I could ever repay him for that."

She tried to stop it, but she couldn't. Her eyes were watering and they started to sting when she didn't let them fall, but eventually the spilled over.

"The only difference between him and you, is that you took the pain away. You made his touch get off of me and I-." She shut her eyes, a couple tears falling over her delicate skin that was painted with freckles. "I don't want you to go away."

Draco was moving closer to her, and slowly he started to gain his focus back. "I don't want you to go away either," he softly stated, and she was hugging herself tighter. "I know I have a short temper. I'm trying not to get so mad but I didn't like seeing you with someone else. I'm sorry, Love."

She let out a soft sob at his pet name that she missed so deeply coming out of his mouth. How he would say it in the morning with his raspy voice that always made her like him more and how he made her feel comforted with just that one word.

"It's okay," she was sniffling.

She wanted to say it.

She wanted to say it so badly.

I love you.

And she wanted him to say it back, but what if he didn't? She knew he would be the one for her to tell this too, because he always protected her.

"Are you going home for winter break?" He broke the silence, and she was shaking her head.

"no, parents don't wanna see me." That made her eyes water up more and she was trying so hard not to cry in front of him. So fucking hard but it wasn't working.

"I know what it's like," he mumbled softly, taking a step forward closer to her. "To be- abused by your father."

Roses heart broke.

She felt like her heart had been ripped out. Had he really been hit by his father? Draco did not deserve that. And now she was sobbing into her own arms, the tears coming out of her eyes so effortlessly.

"I'm sorry," she choked out gently.

"It's okay." He stared blankly at his feet.

They both wanted to say it.

They wanted to say the three words that were keeping them from holding eachother and not letting go. It wasn't that hard to say, but it was for the both of them. Draco had only time his mother that he loved her, and Rose- had never told anybody that phrase. How could she? Her parents didn't love her. They certainly barely took care of her, and she had grown used to not feeling that type of affection, until Nora August and Louis came along.

And then, she met Draco.

"I'm really sorry." Draco muttered again, raising his head to meet her gaze. "I swear to you I didn't mean what I said. You- Your body is something I definitely don't deserve and I shouldn't have told you I'd never touch someone like you because that was a lie. I wouldn't touch anybody but you."

Despite the fact that she was crying, she cracked a sweet smile and he was taking one more step closer to her, closing the gap between them and picking her up, her legs instinctively wrapping around his torso and his hands gripping the bottom of her thighs.

They both melted into eachothers touch, like they were never going to let go.

And Draco didn't hesitate at all to connected there lips. Rose was kissing him back, the feeling of his lips sending her into an orbit and he felt the exact the same way. They were finally with eachother- Rose was finally in his arms.

She was pulling away, and looking into his eyes.

"I- Draco-." She was gonna say it, but he had already beat her to it.

"I love you."

Even his eyes widened at his own words, the feeling of his heart melting inside of his chest made him want to say it again. And for a moment he was scared she wasn't going to say it back, that she was just going to leave the matter alone.

But she didn't. She was cupping his face, smiling through her tears.

"I love you too."

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