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[thinking about making a Spotify playlist for this book, so.. I need suggestions.


You also get his first pov in the next chapter.]

"No thanks,"

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"No thanks,"

By now it was november.

Rose and Draco had been spending almost everyday together. Which is why Rose doesn't want to go home for break here soon because she knew she wouldn't be able to see him.

The letters that were carved into her thigh, read;


And she looked at them every single day. She was proud to be owned by him, because he made her feel like she it wasn't forced. Because it wasn't. Rose can't even count how many times Draco had reassured her that he would always stop if she told him to.

She was walking to her way to breakfast, on Louis' back, with Nora and Augusts back. They were giggling- and laughing like crazy because August had found another plant that gives people gas, and they really wanted to try it.

"Do you know how funny that would be?" Nora laughed.

"I say we do it on one of the gryffindor, they always have a stick up there ass for thinking there better than everyone just because they have a common trust of being 'brave'." Louis pouted. "I can be brave!"

"Louis," Auggur giggled. "Your totally afraid of spiders," he revealed as the entered the great hall and Rose bursted out laughing because it was true; Louis was terrified of spiders.

"Fuck off, Auggie." He rolled his eyes with a smirk on his face.

Louis had set Rose down on the bench gently, letting her slide off of his back and when she looked up directly in front of her, she saw Lola, sitting right there.

Where Nora used to sit.

"It's okay, bubbles. You can sit next to me." Rose offered, and when Nora happily obliged, when she sat down she put her thigh over Roses. It was a comforting gesture for the both of them.

"Hey, Louis." Lola hissed at him, and Rose thought it was the ugliest thing in the world. "You should come sit by me."

"No thanks," he shrugged being oblivious, putting jelly on his toast. "How's school going though?"

Instead of answering him she just rolled her eyes and looked away. But Louis looked at Rose in a worriedly manner, and she look at him with her eyebrows creased.

"Did i do something wrong?" He whispered.

"No babe, she's just a bitch." Rose responded and patted his shoulder smiling lightly at him for a comforting gesture

Louis smiled a cheeky smile at rose, and she was focused until her morning mail came and dropped right in front of her.

A letter from her parents.

This wasn't good. She never got letters from her parents and when she did, she always did something wrong. They always bashed her, told her how much they wish she weren't here, and how much of a disappointment she is. Rose hated hearing those things because it brought back terrible memories.

Roseline cullens.

Your father and I have been informed of you and your relationship with your headmaster from your divination teacher. I can't tell you how disgusted I am of you. To think you could sink any lower, and you do. If you do not end this nasty thing you call a relationship then your no longer welcome here at home. I will tell the ministry if you do not break. It. Up. And I will personally let your father abuse you this time if you tell a soul about this letter. it is unexceptional for you to be in a relation like that.

Don't bother coming home for the holidays either, I don't even want to see you right now.

- your mother.

Rose crumbled on the inside.

She didn't show it on the outside, but she felt like she was dying. She couldn't even comprehend what her mother said to her. Let her father abuse her? What kind of a mother would do that?

And the worst part about it; she knew she had to break it off.

They weren't even in a real relationship, they were just- together. But she didn't want Draco to lose his job, and she didn't want to get abused by her father. She couldn't warn him that it wasn't her fault- because she knew he'd do something about it and she didn't want her father to hit her.

It hurt her. It hurt her so bad that she removed Noras leg from hers and just walked out of the great hall with nothing to say. She could hear her friends calling- but she didn't turn back once.

She was left with no choice.

And for the first time; her heart hurt.

The thought of losing Draco when the only reason why she was happy was because of him in the first place, made her want to cry. He had helped her find her peace- her happiness- her home.

And it was all in the same person.

If she got that taken away from her, she thought she would've gone insane. If it wasn't for Draco she would've been terrible in her mental state, and now having to break it off between them was just going to make it bad again. She didn't want this- she didn't want this at al. He was her happy place, he was her distraction from the world whenever she was feeling like she wasn't enough. He helped her with so many things.

How am I supposed to do this?

She was now standing at his dorm, knocking on the door ever so slightly, her letter being shoved inside of her pocket and she pushed her glasses up just a little bit before the door popped open and a sleep Draco appeared in the door frame.

Oh god.

She showed no emotion on her face. Not that she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. If she showed emotion, he would take that as a hint that she didn't really want to break it off and she had to make it believable for her own sake.

When he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest she nearly lost it. She was so close to letting her eyes water up but she forced them back down and gently pushed him away. When she looked at his face it was full of confusion, and hurt. She'd never pushed him away from a hug before.

"I'm not seeing you anymore." She stated with no emotion in her eyes. She thanked her past self for mastering being able to cover up her emotions like this.

As soon as she said his face paled and he was drawing his arm back from her waist. "W-What?" He studdered in confusion and her heart was hurting more. "Did I- Oh god I didn't- I didn't ask to touch you- Oh my god-."

Oh. My. God.

Rose did lose it on the inside. She was crumbling and her heart was cracking. But she couldn't lose it, not yet. "No, Mr. Malfoy. That's not it." Again his face paled even more at the words she called him. "I just simply don't want to see you anymore."

And with that, she walked away, back into her dorm.

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