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[okay so a lot of people said they liked the idea of the assistant too, and now I'm kinda wanting to do that one also.

But idk, i feel like it'd be to much but if you want to me I will 😌. Just let know and I'll publish the cast today and maybe a chapter.]

"I'll go get my wand,"

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"I'll go get my wand,"

Rose graduated.

Her and Draco were out publicly- and her friends supported her all the way.

Her and Draco live in there own house, it wasn't very big but it was a two story house and they lived near Malfoy manor because Draco didn't want to be far away from his mother. He had told Rose that she mattered a great deal to him, and she completely understood that.

Neither of them worked, because they always wanted to be in eachothers presence. It didn't matter where they were, Draco would always have Rose in his arms unless they were walking. If he took her on a date, he would order the restraunt to take them into a private area and she would sit on lap, still in his grasp where no body else could harm her.

Rose was just starting to wake up, and she felt like her food from last night was coming up her throat. She was rushing out of bed, tossing the sheets over her and she knew she woke up Draco but there wasn't any time to care before she ran into the bathroom and threw up.

And she continued to throw up, while Draco held her hair back.

He had rushed into the bathroom right after she did, and Rose could tell he was panicking but she couldn't focus on that because she was still throwing up.

And Rose knew what morning sickness meant.

When she wiped her mouth off with a towel, she looked at Draco and he had the same look on his face. "Do you- do you think..?"

Neither of them wanted to say it, but it needed to be said. Because Rose had always wanted a kid, to give it the affection that she never got out of her parents and even though Draco was extremely scared, He wanted a child too. And he wanted that child with Rose more than anything.

"I'll go get my wand," he mumbled gently, and Rose stood up on her feet, waiting for him to walk back into the bathroom.

Once he did, her breathe hitched. She knew they would be prepared for a baby and obviously could financially support one, but what about mentally? Would she be able to handle giving birth?

He lifted up her shirt, and gently pressed his wand to her stomach, mumbling a spell and Rose felt her heart leap out of her chest.

Another heart beat, was being felt in the pit of her stomach and she almost teared up at it. She grabbed Dracos hand and put it on her stomach, letting him feel what she was feeling and he smiled widely at it. He had never felt something like this before, he didn't want to get Astoria pregnant, and he didn't even want to think about having a child with anybody else except Rose now.

"Your pregnant," Draco whispered with a smile on his face and Rose couldn't wipe her smile away either.

Draco pulled her closer to him gently, and grasping her in his arms while she wrapped her legs around his torso. He connected their lips into a kiss, melting into her taste while their mouths moved in sync. Rose was gripping onto his shoulders, licking his bottom lip and asking for permission to slide her tongue inside and he happily obliged, opening his mouth and swirling their tongues together.

His scent was filling Roses nose and this made her inhale sharply, taking in what she could of him. His body heat was radiating off of him, making her feel warm and when she pulled away for air she looked into his eyes.

"We're gonna have a baby together," Draco mumbled into her face and it was more of a realization statement.

"Yeah," Rose smiled at him, ready to go lay back down again and he was walking out of the bathroom, carrying them back into the bed.

"And I'm never gonna leave your side."


"We can go to a restraunt?" Draco suggested as they sat on their couch, Rise straddling his lap and trying to figure where they wanted to eat for dinner.

"I'm okay with whatever you want to do," Rose responded, and Draco looked at her raising an eyebrow.

"You fine with going to a restraunt? I don't want to out to much stress on yo-."

"Dray," she giggled. "I'll be fine I promise."

Draco was just gripping onto her tighter, and getting up. He grabbed his wand and apparated them to hogsmeade- knowing that Rose doesn't like to go anywhere expensive, and while their body's twisted and turned, Draco held onto her tighter.

They were walking into a restraunt, Draco setting Rose down on the ground and opening the door for her, his hand spread out on her back. When she smelt the food consume her senses, her mouth salivated. She was extremely hungry and she didn't know if it was her or the baby growing inside of her.

Draco of course ordered a secluded area, and this time it was on a balcony, with skylights surrounding them. Rose thought it was pretty, and she happily took her seat in Dracos lap- she earned a weird glare from the waitress but she didn't care. She was the one pregnant with his child, and she wouldn't hesitate to make that clear.

One they ordered their food, she was slightly shivering because she was cold. She wished she wouldn't brought a jacket with her but she didn't, and the moment Draco noticed her shivering he was taking off his black suit jacket and throwing it around her shoulder making her giggle.

"Do you know a baby name that you like?" Draco asked her, his hand sliding around her waist and bringing her to his chest.

"I've always liked Aurora," Rose responded and Draco smiled down at her. "You?"

[ugh, Auroras really my baby.]

"I've always wanted a son named Scorpius." He responded lightly, and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

They were incredibly in love with eachother.

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