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[filler chapter, but on that note we only have five more chapters guys.

I want to write another story after this one because some people want me to, I just don't know what an idea is, so if you have any suggestions please let me know.]

"-your skins paler than mine

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"-your skins paler than mine."

Rose giggled as Nora slapped the back of August's head.

It had been two months- now heading into January and Rose and Draco had been doing a lot better. She didn't think about cutting herself, and Draco definitely didn't take his anger out on her.

Rose had begun to come down with a sickness, her nose had always been red and stuffy, and her eyes always watered. She just figured it was allergies, but her face had grown paler and Draco had noticed it.

But she hadn't.

"Ow!" August whined, as they were walking Rose back to her dorm. She always had them whenever she was without Draco, she didn't trust anybody else. "What was that for?"

"For being rude," Nora stated. "You shouldn't tell the plant that, Auggy. They have feelings."

He rolled his eyes, and whenever they finally got to her dorm, Louis pulled her in for a hug, and so did Nora and August.

She loved there hugs, if there was anything that she loved more in the world besides Draco Malfoy himself- even though that boasted his ego even more- it was her friends hugs.

When she went to open her dorm door, she saw Draco laying on her bed- asleep cuddling with one of her hoodies.

Her heart melted at the sight in front of her.

She took slow and gentle strides towards the bed, not trying to wake him until she was at least near him. It was maybe 9 at night, and she hadn't gotten a shower yet but she didn't mind crawling into bed with him, holding his body in hers because she knew how he liked to be babied a lot.

And she adored it.

His breathings were steady, and Rose wouldn't help but smile down at him. He was hers.

When did I ever deserve someone like him?

She didn't know, but Draco- he thought she deserved the world.

"Dray," she called out softly, and he was fluttering his eyes open, his blonde hair falling in his face making Roses breathe hitch.

"Come here, Angel." He called gently and quietly, opening his arms and she wasn't waiting another minute to be away from him. She crawled in his arms, while he wrapped them around her petite body and her chest colliding with his despite the fact that she had a large hoodie on. It was his hoodie, but luckily it didn't have his name on it. When he opened his eyes again, still in his sleepy state he was narrowing his eyebrows while looking at Roses face. "Are you sick? You look ill."

"I'm not-."

She was cut off when he grabbed her face, his arms getting taken away from her body and he was turning her face side to side, examining her facial features.

"Baby your nose is very red- your skins paler than mine." He commented, making her take her face from his grip and give him a glare. "Your still gorgeous, but I'm serious. You look very sick, and I'm calling a healer tomorrow."

"That's not necessa-."

He put his finger up to her lips, silencing her as her pulled her body closer to his, the comfort of Dracos bare body making her heart warm. So she snuggled up closer to him, and eventually they fell asleep tangled up in each other's arms.


"Draco?" Rose called softly down the hallway.

He wasn't in the bed where she had fallen asleep, but he wasn't anywhere around here either. When she turned a corner her breathe hitched again. Not here. So she continued to look, and eventually began to grow tired.

Her face was cold- she could feel it and she had a feeling that her sickness was just allergies.

"Where are you?" She called down the empty hallway. She wondered why hogwarts was so empty, nobody was here.

Absolutely nobody.

And she couldn't find Draco anywhere in the castle- not that she had looked through the whole castle because it was huge. How could someone cover the whole grounds in one night?


Her voice made her snap out of the gaze she was in, and turn her head to see a horrifying scene being unraveled in front of her.

Her mother and father, with a wand pressed to his neck.

"One spell." They uttered in unison, a terrifying tone being reflected. "We told you go end it, but you didn't. So we're going to end him instead."

"No!" She shouted, now running towards her parents but it didn't matter how fast she ran, the hallway got longer and they stayed in the same spot while Rose was running to save her wizard. "Please!"

"Avada k-."

Rose bolted up.

Draco was already awake, shaking her violently, and when she looked around all she had on her face was pure horror.

They killed him.

Her parents were killing Draco.

And she was covered in sweat, she was hot but her face still felt ice cold- freezing. But the rest of her body felt like she was about to go insane, aching to get her clothes off of her because of the pool of sweat she was in.

Her hands were shaking and Draco was growing frantic, not knowing what to do and when he spoke she couldn't hear a word he was saying. The ringing in her ear wouldn't go away and it was only the bare taste of salt that was at the corner of her lips that she noticed she was crying.

The ringing had dialed down- she was out of her trance and now Draco was out of the bed, pouring her a glass of water with his wand. "Rose I- oh god-," he was choking up his words and bringing the water to her mouth, leaning her head back himself while making her drink the ice cold liquid.

"They were taking you away- killing you and I-." She watched him set the water down, and when he was in her range again she was clinging onto him. "There wasn't anything I could do," she whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere, Darling. I'm right here," he rubbed her back in a soothing manner. He sat down on the bed, Rose settling on his lap and she wouldn't dare let him go right now- not when she just had a horrible dream of him dying- No, getting murdered.

And she was trying to get to him but she couldn't.

And she couldn't sworn she heard a voice in her head, repeating itself.

'I told you to end it.'

She wondered if her parents had anything to do with it, if they were getting into her head because she knew that they used occlumency and that only made her grow worse.

"Please don't let anybody take you away from me- they- they'll hurt me if you go-." She choked up. She wasn't crying, she figured the only reason why she was crying was because of the dream she had.

But still, the little voice rung in her head.

'I told you to end it.'

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