Appa's Lost days

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Hello and welcome get ready to cry a little for appa. 




Me: okay are you guys ready for this episode.

All: yeah.

Me: okay lets start.





All: oh.

Aang: so are we going to find out what happened to appa when he was lost.

Me: yup.

Aang: :0


Four weeks ago (The scene opens to a flashback of the open desert, as Wan Shi Tong's library sinks into the sands

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Four weeks ago (The scene opens to a flashback of the open desert, as Wan Shi Tong's library sinks into the sands. In a closer shot, we see Toph struggling to prevent the tower from submerging entirely.)

Toph: (straining) No, stop sinking!

(Cuts to Appa, surrounded by sandbenders who have him ensnared with a number of ropes. The cowled desert nomads are desperately holding on to the ropes in an attempt to control a snarling Appa. With a powerful toss of his head, Appa sends one of his assailants flying over his head to tumble into the sand.)

( Two more of the Sandbenders narrowly avoid being crushed by the bison's powerful tail slap. Appa sends yet another nomad flying overhead, and strains mightily against the ropes of the remaining attackers. The view pans over to show Toph , hands pressed against the tower in an attempt to halt its descent with earthbending.)

Toph: Don't make me put this down!

Sokka: we've seen this already.

Me: yes but remember this is where it starts.

Sokka: right.


(Turning from the tower, she tries to launch an earthbending attack at the sandbenders, but it misses them harmlessly. Behind her, the building containing her friends begins to sink rapidly, and Toph quickly turns and braces against it, straining her powers to slow its descent. Behind her, the sandbenders continue struggling with the sky-bison.)

Gashuin: Put a muzzle on him!


Aang: 😡😡😡


(One of the raiders loops a rope around Appa's jaws, which he promptly snaps. Appa lunges forward at him, and he falls backward to avoid the bison's massive jaws. Another rope, weighted with a pouch of sand, loops over Appa's right horn, and all of the raiders pull downward in an attempt to subdue him.)

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