Chapter 9

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Btw changed the Date of birth for Narancia


"Joestars" a voice echoed into the unknown, the voice was filled with hate and disgust . The man stood up from his chair looking at the outside world "The daughter needs to go...and I know exactly how to get rid of her" the man began to ring someone as a smirk crept onto his face as he pulled out a box "lets see if they can fight each other" he began to laugh before fading back into the darkness.


"HOLY" was all Izuku could say, this Hamon training is a lot more intense than he thought it would be, Joseph looking at Izuku from a vantage point "FOCUS ON YOUR BREATHING!" he yelled as Izuku rolled his eyes "I'M TRYING OLD MAN" he yelled back. The training has been going for a couple of days and Izuku is still struggling with it and he has no idea why, Jolyne has stopped by from time to time and has attacked Joseph for going so hard on Izuku, Jotaro watches and sometimes helps him using Star Platinum: The World, Narancia has learned Japanese way better and the people that shall not be named have tried to visit but were threatened by the Jojo's and some hero's. Izumi watches from afar she's tried to talk to Izuku but he looked at her with anger and walked off or he tells her to "piss off and find some other quirkless kid to hurt", She's been giving up hope every day


she turns around to see a figure behind her "who ar-MPHHHH" she begins to struggle "trust me you won't need to worry anymore" the man said as he opened the box. She stops struggling and drops to the floor. The man smiles as he whispers something in her ear before leaving.

Time skip

Momo has been having the greatest time of her life, she's been doing amazing in her classes again and she can have normal conversations with Izuku but something felt off with her classmate Izumi, she's been quiet...too quiet, Momo wanted to talk to her so she met her after school but was attacked from behind before being dragged away into the bushes

Izuku pov (another time skip)

It's been weeks since my training and nothing has happened I keep failing. I don't know what to do, I see Joseph walk up to me "I feel like you need to have a break, clear your head and we'll continue ok?" He asked as I nodded "ok"' I see him. I walk into the dorms and notice most of my classmates watching tv together, I don't care and continue to walk up to my room, I bump into the bitch of an itch known as Izumi as she smiled and walks to me

No ones pov

"Hey" she said as Izuku scoffed "piss off" he said, he was walking away but then she grabbed his arm "Wheres Jolyne?" She asked as Izuku was now confused "why?" He asked as she smiled "no reason I need help with somethings so let me ask you again...where's the Joestar?" She asked "Look I don't...wait did you say Joestar" before Izuku could turn she hit him down the hall, Izuku got up cracked his knuckles "you bitch" he said as he got up, Izuku got into his stance "7 yea-"


Izuku was hit in the head with something metal, he began to bleed from the head as he looked up to see Momo standing there with anger "Momo...what the-" Izuku couldn't finish his sentence as most of his class was now there having their quirks activated, due to the trauma to the head Izuku was shaking and could barley move, he watched as they walked up to him "SHIT SHIT SHIT" he thought. He began to tear up a bit as he remembered the times in the park, the beatings he had gone through were too much for him to handle, Izuku started to hyperventilate, Katsuki stood over him like he did all those years ago "Goodbye Deku" he said, he pulled his arm back and was about to fire his quirk

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