Puccis message...

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Oh you've arrived, I didn't expect my plan to bring
You all here. My name is Pucci and my goal is to %#*%%*%^%*#*##*#* now this may be a surprise to you but I bring a warning don't continue. It's pointless, Lord DIO has given me the gift to kill every little thing in my way. Including you, you cowards. You sit behind computer screens waiting for the next chapter wanting me to fail but it won't work, I'm not the villain your so called Izuku and his gang are. So vote, comment and share all you like it will lead to their demise including a certain writer he has no choice fate has been decided. Hehe it's funny you have no idea what to expect because I have changed the course of history I know my original demise and I know this isn't my original universe. If you wish to live leave and let fate decide for you but if you continue I'll have no choice but to make your worst fear come true.

this is goodbye and good riddance




hello, this is Izuku everyone stay calm he won't win if you're reading this Pucci has sent threats to all of you. Don't listen he's trying to make you all leave to win. We won't let that happen we will see you all soon I promise everyone here





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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