Chapter 6

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Jolyne, Narancia, Jirou and Izuku were in the cafeteria eating talking Italian since it was easier for Narancia but Izuku helped Jirou learn some Italian, someone decided to try and hit Izuku with a lunch tray but Izuku moved his head "can I help you" Izuku said annoyed as he turned around

Jolyne, Narancia, Jirou and Izuku were in the cafeteria eating talking Italian since it was easier for Narancia but Izuku helped Jirou learn some Italian, someone decided to try and hit Izuku with a lunch tray but Izuku moved his head "can I help ...

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"OH i'm sorry this tray usually attacks trash...oh wait it was right this time" Jolyne got mad as Izuku stood up "then it must be faulty because the only trash I see here is you...and them" he said pointing at Izumi's gang "oh you hate them too...whats your name" he said smugly "Izuku...yagi" he said as the boy stepped back a bit "heh you hate them to run..." he said as Izuku rolled his eyes "and your name is?" "oh sorry Neito Monoma class 2-B so tell me hows the first day" Monoma said "pretty good, got to beat them up" he said as Monoma smiled "I like you...well I guess the tray was faulty...I think i'll sit with you but is she good" he said as Izuku shrugged "yea she's fine" he said as they sat down and Narancia started speaking "so who is this guy?" Narancia asked "The names Neito Monoma" he said as Izuku smirked "so you speak Italian" Monoma shrugged "yea I moved there for a bit" he said as an orange haired girl walked over "MONOMA STOP are actually sitting with I proud" she said as Monoma rolled his eyes. "oh sorry you three must be new, My name is Itsuka Kendo"

"Hi i'm Izuku Yagi, This is Jolyne Cujoh and thats Narancia Ghirga" She sat with them and then her eyes widened "wait YAG-MPH" everyone was looking as Izuku put his finger over his lip telling her to stop talking, she nodded and he moved his hand ...

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"Hi i'm Izuku Yagi, This is Jolyne Cujoh and thats Narancia Ghirga" She sat with them and then her eyes widened "wait YAG-MPH" everyone was looking as Izuku put his finger over his lip telling her to stop talking, she nodded and he moved his hand "soooo i'm sorry if it brings up bad memories but why did you run?" Kendo asked as Izuku sighed "well..."

one explanation later

the two had their jaws wide open as Monoma smiled "so those 2-A Bastards do think they're better than us" Kendo looked around and looked at Momo with disappointment "I thought she was different" Kendo said as Izuku sighed "yea but I met Jolyne and Narancia so it got better" Izuku said as Jolyne nodded while Narancia nodded because Jolyne was. Kendo looked at Jirou "sooooo you still cared" she said as Jirou nodded. Izuku was looking at his phone and noticed it was nearly the end of recess "well we have 5 minutes left sooo lets hear more about you two" Izuku said as Kendo smiled "gladly well my quirk is called Big Fist since I can shape shift my hands to be bigger" "and my quirk is called copy, I can copy quirks and use them so what about you?" he asked as Jolyne spoke "my quirk is called Stone free and I can unravel my quirks body into strings" she said as Narancia spoke and Monoma nodded "his quirk is called Aerosmith and he can summon a tiny plane and shoot at people" Monoma said as Kendo understood "my quirk is called 7 years, I can summon a strong green figure behind me which does a lot of damage close range, I can also summon green mist from its knuckles and I can slow down time for a bit and i've been told if I use something special or train I can make it longer" Izuku said as both Kendo and Monoma had their jaws dropped again "s-so basically you're OP if you master it" Kendo said as Izuku nodded. They had a little chat while Momo was looking from afar "I guess he's told she doesn't like me...think Momo how can I make it up to him...THATS IT" she thought as recess ended and they had to go back to class "well it was fun talking to you guys i'll see you later" Izuku said as Monoma smiled "yea you too, nice to know all of them aren't entitled" Monoma said as they watched the 4 walked off.

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